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Thread: Bob Marlin

  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by VObserver View Post
    So.... 6-10 this season vs quadrants 1-3, 11-3 vs quadrant 4. Non Conference we were 1-4 vs quadrants 1-3, 6-0 vs quadrant 4. We also had 2 non D1 wins non conference.

    Of the schedule we contol, we had 2 quad 1 games, 1 quad 2 game, 2 quad 3 games, 6 quad 4 and 2 non D1.

    That makes our "improved" non conference schedule 5/13 against teams with any semblance of a pulse and 8/13 against virtual corpses. Of the 5 more or less decent non conference games, NONE were at home..

  2. #266

    Default Re: Fire Coach Bob Marlin Now!

    5th Place in the Sun Belt

    1 and done at the hands of a 8-seed.

    Anyone else want to spin this "19 win season?"

  3. #267

    Default Re: Fire Coach Bob Marlin Now!

    Big Fish is what he is, a mediocre coach who will never have more than mediocre results. There is no way to spin it. If the administration is satisfied with these results then we as fans should boycott the program until he is terminated.

  4. #268

    Default Re: Fire Coach Bob Marlin Now!

    There’s someone with a radio show and who also might POSSIBLY post here who was just on the air talking about “Millenials b*tching” about this basketball season. May I remind that person that some Millenials on here donate money to the RCAF and are investors in our sports programs as well.

    Also, 19-win seasons against Southland and Sun Belt competition is not a failure but AVERAGE. Losing a freshman and one defender should not warrant finishing in 5th place with a postseason 1 and done in this conference.

    Cost matches quality. Ticket prices and RCAF donation requirements have increased over the past few years meaning people will expect a greater return. This isn’t social club. This is business.

    Time to start earning that paycheck.

  5. #269

    Default Re: Fire Coach Bob Marlin Now!

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun4life View Post
    Big Fish is what he is, a mediocre coach who will never have more than mediocre results. There is no way to spin it. If the administration is satisfied with these results then we as fans should boycott the program until he is terminated.
    What is worse guy is top paid coach in the belt if his salry was like Richard's I could understand the accepting the mediocrity.

  6. #270


    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_lannister View Post
    What is worse guy is top paid coach in the belt if his salry was like Richard's I could understand the accepting the mediocrity.
    GSU- Ron Hunter (~$600k, $550k base + $50k bonus)
    UL- Bob Marlin (~$550k)
    GS- Mark Byington ($250k base salary + ??? booster contribution)
    ULM-Keith Richard (????)
    Ark St- Mike Balado ($375k)
    Little Rock- Darrell Walker ($250k)
    Troy- Phil Cunningham (~$290k)
    USA- Richie Riely ($332k)
    UTA- Chris Ogden ($440k)
    TXST- Danny Kaspar ($270k)
    App- Jim Fox ($250k)
    CCU- Cliff Ellis ($275k)

  7. #271

    Default Re: Fire Coach Bob Marlin Now!

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    There’s someone with a radio show and who also might POSSIBLY post here was just on the air talking about “Millenials b*tching” about this basketball season. May I remind that person that some Millenials on here donate money to the RCAF and are investors in our sports programs as well.

    Also, 19-win seasons against Southland and Sun Belt competition is not a failure but AVERAGE. Losing a freshman and one defender should not warrant finishing in 5th place with a postseason 1 and done in this conference.

    Cost matches quality. Ticket prices and RCAF requests have increased over the past few years meaning people will expect a greater return. This isn’t social club. This is business.

    Time to start earning that paycheck.
    Someone should also remind him that some of the "millenials" leading the charge to fire Marlin were fans before he ever heard of Lafayette, Louisiana.

  8. Default Re: Fire Coach Bob Marlin Now!

    Nine years in 8 post season wins in SBC tournament. Really can’t spin that into a good thing.

    Nine years in losing record vs top 150 can’t spin that into a good thing.

  9. #273

    Default Re: Fire Coach Bob Marlin Now!

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    There’s someone with a radio show and who also might POSSIBLY post here was just on the air talking about “Millenials b*tching” about this basketball season. May I remind that person that some Millenials on here donate money to the RCAF and are investors in our sports programs as well.

    Also, 19-win seasons against Southland and Sun Belt competition is not a failure but AVERAGE. Losing a freshman and one defender should not warrant finishing in 5th place with a postseason 1 and done in this conference.

    Cost matches quality. Ticket prices and RCAF requests have increased over the past few years meaning people will expect a greater return. This isn’t social club. This is business.

    Time to start earning that paycheck.
    So what does he or she have to say about those who aren't millennials? I'm not in this generation but I'm at a point that I have decided to not further my financial support of the program. This is not to say that I won't carry a high level of interest for the program, watch on TV and attend certain home games from time to time but my donation level has ceased.

  10. #274


    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    So what does he or she have to say about those who aren't millennials? I'm not in this generation but I'm at a point that I have decided to not further my financial support of the program. This is not to say that I won't carry a high level of interest for the program, watch on TV and attend certain home games from time to time but my donation level has ceased.
    That’s the point. There’s a ton of NON-Millenials who feel the same way. LOL!!!

  11. #275

    Default Re: Fire Coach Bob Marlin Now!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Nine years in 8 post season wins in SBC tournament. Really can’t spin that into a good thing.

    Nine years in losing record vs top 150 can’t spin that into a good thing.
    Let's not gloss it over, Express; that's 9 years in and a losing record against the top 200 RPI.

  12. Default Re: Fire Coach Bob Marlin Now!

    Well I wasn’t sure so.

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