Took awhile tho 3 game win streak.. still a lot of K's.. Any questions for bab, please post. Thanx.
Go toro!
3 game win streak = 5 finger death punch?
Who’s in charge of making adjustments to pitchers? Is it an individual hitter thing or do the coaches lead the way? For instance the pitcher was grooving first pitch fastballs last night, would the players decide on their own to be aggressive on that first pitch?
What has been the biggest contributing factor in the lack of success with runners in scoring position the past few seasons? And has it become a mental issue over an ability issue?
ask him when coaching staff changes will take effect.. Its needed
hee hee.. 269-1077
Who coaches the infield with the current staff alignment?
With Toro be out and Monica being the third out in 3 innings last night is it time to see what Lockridge can do at first?
Considering an at large is unlikely have y’all considered moving Hunter to SS and giving some young players time at 2nd especially in midweek games?
Being a season ticket holder since 2003 and a wall sponsor since 2007 it is very concerning seeing empty suites and grandstand fans leaving early or not even showing up. Is the pressure of performing on the coaching staff rubbing off on the players?
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