All you never wanted to know about Carnegie Classification...….. below are a couple of weblinks for Carnegie classification. They are in depth and have multiple data links which if given enough time can be interesting to go through. The most important thing though is this..... there is NO list or check sheet for classification. Classifications are based on a statistical formula. The formula IS NOT PUBLIC.
See the quote below regarding their methodology>
The final classification of each school is based on a standardized (Carnegie does not specify the exact formula) distance of the Carnegie principal component scores from a particular point (again unspecified, but approximately the minimum of each score). The very-high-research category is the set of schools farthest away from this point.
Starting points if you want to do your own research:
Ultimately it is impossible to know with certainty what needs to be done to achieve R1. I would believe that persons associated with the University have certainly researched the issue enough to have a good idea of what needs to happen.
I will say this. In my review of the data there is a tremendous gap in R&D monies between most R2 & R1 universities.
For example, the latest data from Carnegie has median Science and Engineering R&D expenditures at approximately 296 million for R1 and 26 million for R2. We had approximately 79 million. Well above median R2 but well below median R1.
For non Science and Engineering R&D expenditures the median was approximately 19 million for R1 and 2 million for R2. We had approximately 22 million. Obviously we do not have an issue in this category.
If you really want to dig into it follow the excel spreadsheet links in the articles referenced above.
Sounds like we'll be very close to reaching R1 status in 2029.
Your posts on this board (while many) were nothing more than a gnat on a bull's behind to me until you decided to attack me for no apparent reason. You and I had never even had friendly banter on this board before then. Well, you asked for it and you got it.
By the way, I'm sure that you noticed that Turbine censored me earlier this week for calling you a douchebag, so I won't do that again. And for the record, I can't take credit for that thought as it was PM to me by another poster.
On the other hand, you got censored by Turbine for posting totally inaccurate information (I call it lying), and from having paid attention to your posts since you attacked me, I'm not sure you are capable of learning from you censorship.
Inaccurate? By the way I don’t care what turbine censors. Not a single post of yours stood out until you championed against cigar smoke, looked like a fool. Then didn’t drop it and criticized coach Napier for celebrating a division championship.
Then when people post inside information you continuously try to discredit the info or stalk every single post that is made by said person. You’ve done that to at least one other poster on this forum besides myself.
The difference is that my credibility on this forum since the early days of Ragin Pagin has been pretty darn good. But you can keep acting like a fool. I’ll keep calling spades a spade. If you don’t like that, then put me on ignore.
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