Originally Posted by
MAT is one of my better friends. I am not a member of that club.
I look at the total picture. I'm not so naive as to think everyone wins every year. Nor do I expect that as a fan.
I want the same things you do. I think where we differ is I don't believe you understand how hard it is to be very good every single year.
With a few exceptions, mid major programs have peaks and valleys. I don't think you get that. Or at least, you think we are, or should be, immune to it.
Examples? Check WKU in the last five years. You'll agree it is a highly thought of mid major program. How about Middle Tennessee this year? After several good seasons, they are not good at all.
You're one of those guys who wants it EVERY YEAR. We have finished out of the top four (on your list of expectations) four out of five years. That's pretty good. Not great.
When I said we were the second most consistent program in the league over the last five years, I said I wanted to be first. You must have missed that part.
You talk about more postseason appearances. Well, there was a time, as recently as Jessie Evans, when you had a solid season but didn't win your league, you got an NIT bid. That no longer is the case. So...you want to either win the league or the tournament damn near every year in order to keep you happy. OK.....got it.
Using TODAY's criteria for postseason play and applying it to the past, you'll see we aren't far off from the best days in our recent history. (post probation). Under Coach paschal, we would have made postseason twice in seven years. Yet he's considered the best coach we've had since probation. Marty Fletcher won a game in the NCAA tournament, but only made postseason twice in eleven years. Jessie would have had two in seven years. Robert Lee had one in six years. bob Marlin has two in eight years.
Now, read this carefully. I am only talking about appearances. And, that's because YOU were only talking about appearances. I am well aware the previous coaches had better quality wins. But if you were to bring that up, you would be moving the needle.