Allow me to put an allegorical story in here that I think states the position held by me and several others with reference to the UL basketball program.
Think of UL Basketball as your child. He is a good kid; he never gives any trouble, makes good grades in high school, and tells you he wants to be a mechanical engineer. You love your kid, and you want the best for him, so you take the plunge and send him to Colorado School of Mines. You hock your house to pay his expenses, and you tell him that you and his mom are making great sacrifices for his future, and that you expect him to work hard and make the dean's list nearly every semester, and to become a great engineer.
Well, he gets to CSM and finds out that it is hard to make great grades in mechanical engineering. After a couple of years, having made the Dean's list only one semester, he changes his major to music appreciation, a major which only requires him to sit in class and listen to Classical Music for 9 hours a week, with an 'A' given for perfect attendance. Of course, he starts making the Dean's list every semester.
What is your response as his parent?
Mine, and I think MAT's, Express' and Fanatico's, would be to cut off his funding until he got his sorry butt back into a more challenging curriculum with a better future.
Yours seems to be to heap praise on him for making the Dean's list.