FYI CHS is having a black out in the dome. Once a year kinda thing is good.
for football? Because Leblanc was wearing a black catholic high baseball sweatshirt. Just found it odd all 3 were wearing black considering the backgrounds of Dez and Leblanc.
for football? Because Leblanc was wearing a black catholic high baseball sweatshirt. Just found it odd all 3 were wearing black considering the backgrounds of Dez and Leblanc.
That is some funny shiete right there. Haunted by his own peeps. Him and his brother and his other brother may not make it through this.
I thought RAginPagin had convinced Napier and staff to stay away from the Catholic NI players.
No that was just a lannister thing because "they are all douches". I am pretty sure Napier is OK with the one he has on his D-line right now and the one coaching his tight ends.
for football? Because Leblanc was wearing a black catholic high baseball sweatshirt. Just found it odd all 3 were wearing black considering the backgrounds of Dez and Leblanc.
Black out for fans in the stands because ND wears red also and they will be designated home team. Basically something a bunch of mommas drummed up.
Where did you see the pic of Peter and the coaches? I havent seen it and not on Nap or Des Twitter?
No that was just a lannister thing because "they are all douches". I am pretty sure Napier is OK with the one he has on his D-line right now and the one coaching his tight ends.
Could also use Amos in the defensive backfield in 2 years.....