This seems like a sit back with popcorn kind of thread.
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Last edited by CajunMarine81; December 2nd, 2022 at 10:22 am. Reason: .. ..
So, this thread is brought back to life? What’s the purpose? Something being done wrong? Math not adding up? General lack of accountability and disclosure? Some butt hurt accounting alum that got passed over for the job in ‘17 wants the job? Someone USLing it again? Or is it just the RPCA flexing? Inquiring minds want to know!!!!!
You just need to post something, in your mind, meaningful towards correcting the flaws in the university’s athletic endeavors.
You can specialize in a number of topics. Mine main ones are useless trivia, like ESPN bottom ten, things that happened in Blackham and 45-50 years ago, intolerance of “home boys” who surf along with meh records and the blind “he’s one of us” bull sheet (aka USLing it), and comparing RCAF to the Ragin Cajun Club.
I’d point out some others but I’m sure some would quickly become butt hurt due to inability to laugh at oneself.
“Think Small, Be Small, Act Small, Be USL”
This conversation has been going on behind the scenes for a few months now. You are going after the wrong person if the money was used on the university side.
We all should know by now that RCAF is a subsidiary of the University Foundation, they have the same Tax ID number. Mr. DB cannot move funds from the foundation without approval and a directive from Martin Hall. That's where the problem is if some of the stadium funds have been used.
This has all the making of a classic RP thread.
Starts out with people happy about the hiring. Turns sour. Cryptic posts from a lesser known poster. Coach Chris (the guy who tried to fight our football team) comes in to defend the Admin. People wanting the poster to spill the beans. Fantastic stuff.
71, this wasn't what I was talking about the other day.
But, now y'all are starting to ask the right questions about the right guy.
Now, to T's point, he's ultimately not the problem.
I think we need to start filing some FOIA requests. I know at least 3 attorneys that post here.
At the end of the day, there are reasons why the athletic department didn't hire fundraisers for over a year. Didn't start the reno as projected TWO YEARS ago. Operated at a $5mm deficit (and don't tell me covid, Coach Chris).
There is a reason why I've been very hesitant to blame Maggard for this stuff.
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