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Thread: In Game Pipe Music

  1. #13

    Default Re: In Game Pipe Music

    _____ I'm from Louisiana

  2. #14

    Default Re: In Game Pipe Music

    Quote Originally Posted by HelmutVII View Post
    Maybe the band doesn't play because they are told not to. I think the powers that be actually WANT the music over the PA system because it's louder.
    Watch any P5 game and the band controls the music. Do we not learn anything when we play schools like Texas A&M, Alabama, or even LSU? Their bands play music that has the fans engaged like spelling out C-A-J-U-N-S. Play it over and over for every big play or score. Have something specific to great defensive plays that also gets the fans involved. If we are going to pipe in music from time to time, play Cajun music relative to our culture. Fan interaction is missing and attending games is often boring even when we are winning. Fans and particularly students are simply not engaged and that is priority one if we are ever going to get them excited about Louisiana football again. And, black out home games on local TV so people have to come out to see our games instead of sitting in the comfort of their living rooms. And when they do attend, make sure they are engaged in the atmosphere and play on the field. And lastly, we must do something with our students. Student attendance is pathetic. There is absolutely no reason that UL athletics is not a prioriy for all students. Our athletic department needs to quickly figure out how to make that connection and instill in the students the pride in their university and when they do show up, again, get them engaged and involved thru cheers and music played by our college band, not rap music piped in at the most inopportune times. Is Lafayette a real college town or just a pretender? Time to find out.

  3. #15

    Default Re: In Game Pipe Music

    I actually don't mind it...I realize I am in the minority here.

  4. #16

    Default Re: In Game Pipe Music

    the music tonight was not bad at all. i swear people will botch about anything

  5. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by facelessjonmoon View Post
    I'm not a fan of some of the music they play, but based on the ____ty fan turn out-play whatever it is loud. Otherwise it would be dead in the stadium

    The band sits on their hands and so do the few fans who actually showed up. Unfortunately the atmosphere isn't coming from the usual sources
    Don’t know where you get band sits on their hands, I was there last night and they played often. AND they sound great!!! Probably the best band I’ve heard in 10 years. Their growing every year too, almost 300. So quit with the band bashing cliche’s of the past, everything at UL is getting better.

  6. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by AstroCajun View Post
    We should be highlighting all of our cULture at every game. Ditch the rap and play Cajun/Zydeco exclusively.
    The majority of the music played last night during breaks was Zydeco/Cajun....exception was kickoffs....

  7. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Hudsheen#Fired View Post
    the music tonight was not bad at all. i swear people will botch about anything
    I liked the mix of music last night....real improvement over past games....and the band was great last night...I just wish folks would get into the stadium 20 minutes before kickoff to catch the band's pre's pretty good...

  8. #20

    Default Re: In Game Pipe Music

    I really don’t think most people in this town care about UL at all. I swear if they decided to close the university and said that they would give all the money to LSU they would be fine with it. Most people have no clue how vital the university is to the community. It is chic to down grade and demean UL among lots of the local community.

  9. #21

    Default Re: In Game Pipe Music

    Quote Originally Posted by basinbear View Post
    The majority of the music played last night during breaks was Zydeco/Cajun....exception was kickoffs....
    Yeah I noticed that too. They play deep bass beats on third down too, which doesn’t bother me. But I noticed plenty of zydeco. That’s why this thread confused me. Hell they played Motörhead before the initial kick off. My head was nodding.

    I imagine the majority of our players and visiting recruits prefer the rap as well. I’d also bet the University plays that to get more students in the stands. Not that it has worked...

  10. #22

    Default Re: In Game Pipe Music

    Regardless of your choice in music, is what's being done now (music, volumn, over the top forced DJ voice ETC) add or detract from enjoying your in game experience?

    Students are another matter...with the majority of frats on campus in some sort of university double secret probation, including at least 1 sorority, it's going to take clubs, dorms, and GDI's getting involved...hello Utah, we're stealing your idea!

  11. #23

    Default Re: In Game Pipe Music

    Didn’t we used to play the players “juice” music on standalone speakers on the field before the game for them and play different music over the PA? I usually go and chat with my dad when I get in the stadium and we can barely hear ourselves think this year. Maybe I’m misremembering.

    I also thought the mix was much better this game, and even though it’s not my favorite, I preferred the players third down video to the goofy assistant one.

  12. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Hudsheen#Fired View Post
    the music tonight was not bad at all. i swear people will botch about anything
    I thought it was an improvement over previous games this year. You can't just play classic rock and zydeco/cajun music. If we want better student attendance, a % of the piped music should be popular for them.

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