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Thread: Homecoming attendance? 18,132 (merged)

  1. #337

    Default Re: Homecoming attendance? 18,132 (merged)

    I love loud music... But not ____ty loud music

  2. #338

    Default Re: Fack You Acadiana

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    But at least it's so damn loud you can't hear yourself think, let alone carry on conversations.
    No offense, but if you want to converse maybe try a different venue

  3. #339

    Default Re: Homecoming attendance? 18,132 (merged)

    And while we're venting, the little bush league announcer kid from the baseball games needs to stick to baseball. More testosterone is required for football

    As brother MAT has previously stated, our fanbase and fan culture is soft. We need more balls. Big balls

  4. #340

    Default Re: Homecoming attendance? 18,132 (merged)

    Quote Originally Posted by SMD7636 View Post
    You need better WiFi if you want fans to stay.

  5. #341

    Default Re: Homecoming attendance? 18,132 (merged)

    And why was the band playing at half-time while the PA announcer was trying to introduce the homecoming court?!!
    Who coordinates this stuff?

  6. Default Re: Homecoming attendance? 18,132 (merged)

    Quote Originally Posted by SMD7636 View Post
    You need better WiFi if you want fans to stay.
    My wifi married me and promised to let me stay at all the games.

    Then she made me get a job and my bossi makes me work on game day.

  7. #343
    Oiler's Avatar Oiler is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Fack You Acadiana

    Quote Originally Posted by facelessjonmoon View Post
    No offense, but if you want to converse maybe try a different venue
    In case you didn't notice, getting more people to attend our games is what this entire thread is about. We all agree that it's extremely hard for us to get butts in the stands. This being the case, why we allow the idiot in charge of the music volume to play it as loud as he does is a mystery to me. Some people have simply said to heck with it and are staying home.

    Our traditional gameday experience is being traded for what someone thinks the "young" fans want. Well, those "young" fans are apparently not interested enough to show up at a game at Cajun Field. We run the risk of alienating some of our base if we're not careful.

  8. #344


    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    Apparently Coastal Carolina was the most important game ever played in the history of the University.....apparently.
    It was a miserable loss and there's no way to put lipstick on that pig....

  9. #345

    Default Re: Fack You Acadiana

    Quote Originally Posted by Oiler View Post
    In case you didn't notice, getting more people to attend our games is what this entire thread is about. We all agree that it's extremely hard for us to get butts in the stands. This being the case, why we allow the idiot in charge of the music volume to play it as loud as he does is a mystery to me. Some people have simply said to heck with it and are staying home.

    Our traditional gameday experience is being traded for what someone thinks the "young" fans want. Well, those "young" fans are apparently not interested enough to show up at a game at Cajun Field. We run the risk of alienating some of our base if we're not careful.
    My bad. Before this thread was merged , it was about our fanbase being a bunch of pu$$ies

    "Oh it rained this morning. . Oh you're standing in front of me cheering I can't see the game sitting on my ___"

    I'm in agreement with you about the bs piped in music. It needs to stop asap. It kills the game day atmosphere and any tradition that we are trying to establish. College game- let the college band play to get the fans involved

  10. #346


    Quote Originally Posted by Oiler View Post
    In case you didn't notice, getting more people to attend our games is what this entire thread is about. We all agree that it's extremely hard for us to get butts in the stands. This being the case, why we allow the idiot in charge of the music volume to play it as loud as he does is a mystery to me. Some people have simply said to heck with it and are staying home.

    Our traditional gameday experience is being traded for what someone thinks the "young" fans want. Well, those "young" fans are apparently not interested enough to show up at a game at Cajun Field. We run the risk of alienating some of our base if we're not careful.
    Some? Along with the parking situation, these are two of the top 3 reasons fans and students (somewhat) aren't showing up. If say that some is equal to 4-5k not showing up at one time or another this to monetize that say it's 50k in businesses don't pizz off a customer base to the tune of that much money...

  11. Default Re: Homecoming attendance? 18,132 (merged)

    More ppl showed up to watch a fall ball scrimmage than homecoming football game...

  12. Default Re: Homecoming attendance? 18,132 (merged)

    The number of die hard fans who support Ragin' Cajuns Football hasn't moved much over the years.

    So the challenge is how do you create value to increase attendance?

    Winning consistently is part of the solution, but you've also got to build your program based on consistent winning. Raising prices to attend a football game for a program that has struggled with consistency is counter intuitive.

    We must focus on making Ragin' Cajuns Football Gameday an event people are excited to attend every season. Where do we start? We concentrate our marketing efforts within a 25 mile radius of Cajun Field. You will find plenty of people who can fill Cajun Field. Win consistently and people will pay your price.

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