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Thread: Technically ULS has no "Flagship" (+USN&WR)

  1. #73

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    BLU.........paging BLU........
    I think the correct way to summons the devil is to say 'beetlejuice' 3X

  2. #74

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    .....Could somebody juxtapose UL against this....never thought about acres, tuition, and the rest in comparison!
    Well, we have not been @15K for many years, so that is way off.
    Also, the main campus was ~125 acres prior to adding the dog park area, so now we are at ~150 acres. Also, the atheltic campus and research park are at ~500 acres, so that brings the total for in-town at ~600 acres. If I remember right the NI campus is about 100 acres, so all around 700 acres. But don't we have some farm acreagre somewhere as well? Must be, cause I don't know how else they come up with 1400.

  3. #75

    Default USN&WR

    Never mind. I just saw where this is covered under another thread. Please delete.

  4. #76

    Default Re: USN&WR

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    Never mind. I just saw where this is covered under another thread. Please delete.
    news good enough to hear twice, if you ask me.

  5. #77

    Default Re: USN&WR

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    news good enough to hear twice, if you ask me.
    What was the news, I've been busy. Alternately, a linky to the other thread will suffice. Tanks!

    Edit: Okay, found the thread.

    The Tier 2 crapola for the necksters I fully expected would have happened with last year's USNWR release. That ULM has caught up to them in research category I think demonstrates that LaTech has probably hit their ceiling as a university or are very close to doing so. Imagine trying to gin up research dollars when you're surrounded by a town that looks like something out of a time warp.

  6. #78

    Default Re: USN&WR

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunfanatico View Post
    What was the news, I've been busy. Alternately, a linky to the other thread will suffice. Tanks!
    ltu is no longer a T1 university. Join in the celebration of the rebirth of reality in the thread below:

  7. #79

    Default Re: USN&WR

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    ltu is no longer a T1 university. Join in the celebration of the rebirth of reality in the thread below:
    Yeah, see my comments above. I thought last year's USNWR would do them in but if I recall correctly they simply used some odd wording that kinda left it all open. I've heard that Tier 1 crap from those fans for longer than I care to remember. Glad they'll finally Please about it.

  8. #80

    Default Re: USN&WR

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunfanatico View Post
    Yeah, see my comments above. I thought last year's USNWR would do them in but if I recall correctly they simply used some odd wording that kinda left it all open. I've heard that Tier 1 crap from those fans for longer than I care to remember. Glad they'll finally Please about it.
    Now Im sure it'll be 'it never really meant much anyway,' ...... which is why they have shoved it down everyone's throats about it when they did have it.

    2020 and R1 status can't get here quick enough.

  9. #81

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    Well, we have not been @15K for many years, so that is way off.
    Also, the main campus was ~125 acres prior to adding the dog park area, so now we are at ~150 acres. Also, the atheltic campus and research park are at ~500 acres, so that brings the total for in-town at ~600 acres. If I remember right the NI campus is about 100 acres, so all around 700 acres. But don't we have some farm acreagre somewhere as well? Must be, cause I don't know how else they come up with 1400.
    The Cade farm is 4-500 acres if I remember correctly.

  10. #82
    Ragin4U's Avatar Ragin4U is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    Well, we have not been @15K for many years, so that is way off.
    Also, the main campus was ~125 acres prior to adding the dog park area, so now we are at ~150 acres. Also, the atheltic campus and research park are at ~500 acres, so that brings the total for in-town at ~600 acres. If I remember right the NI campus is about 100 acres, so all around 700 acres. But don't we have some farm acreagre somewhere as well? Must be, cause I don't know how else they come up with 1400.
    "Total enrollment for the Fall 2017 semester is 19,291 students, up from the 19,188 students who enrolled last fall", said Dr. DeWayne Bowie, UL Lafayette's vice president for Enrollment Management.

  11. #83

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin4U View Post
    "Total enrollment for the Fall 2017 semester is 19,291 students, up from the 19,188 students who enrolled last fall", said Dr. DeWayne Bowie, UL Lafayette's vice president for Enrollment Management.
    2017 or 2018?

  12. #84

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by BeauCajun View Post
    2017 or 2018?
    2017. 2018 has not been relesaed yet...i just checked....but its usually out in the month of September.

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