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Thread: Technically ULS has no "Flagship" (+USN&WR)

  1. #49

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by charliek View Post
    Not an academic power. Not an athletic power. But as schools who combine the two, they are a rarity. And we will be too. The only thing that can stop us are people with attitudes like yours.
    My attitude (good or bad) will have no bearing on UL’s fortunes. UL will be as good as the people who run the school. It looks like we are in capable hands right now and should see continued improvement. If you view that as possessing a negative attitude that is on you.

  2. #50

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    My attitude (good or bad) will have no bearing on UL’s fortunes. UL will be as good as the people who run the school. It looks like we are in capable hands right now and should see continued improvement. If you view that as possessing a negative attitude that is on you.
    An attitude LIKE yours. LIKE. There are plenty of people in positions of influence through the years who have had and attitude LIKE yours. That we should know our place. Limit our goals. Never dream big.

  3. #51

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    He foolishly listened to Blanco and others that an African American coach would be beneficial to the program. The Baldwin fiasco is easily his biggest failure and he should rightfully be blamed.
    The hire of baldwin was all about politics and getting cleo fields endorsement for the Mrs. blanco.

  4. #52

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by charliek View Post
    An attitude LIKE yours. LIKE. There are plenty of people in positions of influence through the years who have had and attitude LIKE yours. That we should know our place. Limit our goals. Never dream big.
    So I’m LIKE a “know your place” kind of person but not actually one of them. Got it. That makes me feel better. For the record I do dream big. I dream of UL winnng an outright SBC football Championship, being ranked in the top25, beating an SEC team, playing in a meaningful bowl game, scoring a touchdown against LSU, beating Tech, having 30k of OUR fans attend a football game, moving to a better conference, having a defense that does not stink.
    Some of those dreams may never happen, but I want them to. Just because I don’t think we get a P5 invite, catch up with lower P5 schools in budget or average 30k in attendance does not mean anything when it comes to UL achieving its goals. It’s just my opinion.

  5. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    So I’m LIKE a “know your place” kind of person but not actually one of them. Got it. That makes me feel better. For the record I do dream big. I dream of UL winnng an outright SBC football Championship, being ranked in the top25, beating an SEC team, playing in a meaningful bowl game, scoring a touchdown against LSU, beating Tech, having 30k of OUR fans attend a football game, moving to a better conference, having a defense that does not stink.
    Some of those dreams may never happen, but I want them to. Just because I don’t think we get a P5 invite, catch up with lower P5 schools in budget or average 30k in attendance does not mean anything when it comes to UL achieving its goals. It’s just my opinion.
    No you are one...but like you said your opinion doesn’t really matter....

  6. #54
    Oiler's Avatar Oiler is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    So I'm LIKE a "know your place" kind of person but not actually one of them. Got it. That makes me feel better. For the record I do dream big. I dream of UL winnng an outright SBC football Championship, being ranked in the top25, beating an SEC team, playing in a meaningful bowl game, scoring a touchdown against LSU, beating Tech, having 30k of OUR fans attend a football game, moving to a better conference, having a defense that does not stink.
    Some of those dreams may never happen, but I want them to. Just because I don't think we get a P5 invite, catch up with lower P5 schools in budget or average 30k in attendance does not mean anything when it comes to UL achieving its goals. It's just my opinion.
    Some confuse a person's ability to accept reality with "knowing one's place". I believe UL can become a dominant player in the G5 ranks of college sports, but I believe the P5 train has left the station, and that we weren't on it.

  7. #55

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by charliek View Post
    No you are one...but like you said your opinion doesn’t really matter....
    Ha. It matters as much as yours. There is probably even a person on this board that thinks we have a chance against Bama. As they say, opinions are like a-holes...everyone got one.

  8. #56

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by Oiler View Post
    Some confuse a person's ability to accept reality with "knowing one's place". I believe UL can become a dominant player in the G5 ranks of college sports, but I believe the P5 train has left the station, and that we weren't on it.
    Very few TCU's got a ticket on that train, so that really doesn't bother me at all. I'm not worried about the P5's other than beating them when we play them. Right now I want to see us climb to the top of the G5's, as do you. Get there and we'll be as well-positioned as possible for when the P5's finally blow up the monopoly they're trying to create.

  9. #57

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by Oiler View Post
    Some confuse a person's ability to accept reality with "knowing one's place". I believe UL can become a dominant player in the G5 ranks of college sports, but I believe the P5 train has left the station, and that we weren't on it.
    This assumes the concept of P5 and G5 will exist forever. That's illogical considering how they didn't always exist and considering the constant nature of change in the college athletic landscape. Things change, we need to improve in every avenue as much as possible and not limit our goals. So that we are prepared to take advantage when change occurs, instead of being bulldozed by it again.

  10. Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    Ha. It matters as much as yours. There is probably even a person on this board that thinks we have a chance against Bama. As they say, opinions are like a-holes...everyone got one.
    Yep, I had a young employee who messed up. I told him IMO he messed up and should do it this way instead. He proceeded to give me your non unique retort. At that point he found out his wasn’t needed any longer.

  11. #59

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Yep, I had a young employee who messed up. I told him IMO he messed up and should do it this way instead. He proceeded to give me your non unique retort. At that point he found out his wasn’t needed any longer.
    I’m not following. Did I mess up? I don’t work for UL and neither do you. This is a fan site where opinions are exchanged.

  12. Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    I'm not following. Did I mess up? I don't work for UL and neither do you. This is a fan site where opinions are exchanged.
    They are just "mess"ing with you as usual.

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