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Thread: Technically ULS has no "Flagship" (+USN&WR)

  1. #37

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunfanatico View Post
    Have you guys ever researched exactly what Tier 1 Status means? I tried it once, and finally gave up, because, at least when I tried it, there was no concrete definition. The best I could come up with are some screwy criteria generated by US News & World Report.

    R3, R2, R1 Carnegie Research Status, on the other hand, quite easy to define.

    Someone do us a favor and try to get a firm definition of what Tier 1 means. I'm too old to try again so I'll hang up and listen.

    I should add, Tier 1 status was the phraseology that the necksters always used when measuring themselves in the mirror. It was meaningless in my humble opinion other than they had it because it was mentioned in a magazine. Carnegie Research Status is the real measure when one wants to compare accomplishments nationwide against other universities.
    I agree: I have searched for this myself, to no avail. And I could be wrong, but I don't really think T'Joe and company are focusing on is pretty clear that the R1 status is the main goal.

    And to the other post about ltu@r, I think they are currently @$20 million, with their goal being to reach $50 million by 2020. As meager as that is, it is only 2 years left to get that seems highly unlikely at this point.
    Regardless, and as per Dr. S, by that time we will be R1, so it really won't matter a whole lot anyway. But it will make it that much more fun.

  2. #38

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    The title "Flagship" is used in this state to polish a turd. LSU uses it because it's all about perception to show the rest of the state that "we are bigger than you." What the title doesn't show is the huge tower of debt their school is in at the expense of us, the hardworking tax payers. But I guess someone has to pay for that lazy river and Tiger habitat.

    With that being said, that R1 ranking for us is smelling good right about now with the efforts that we have put into research. Inside the academic world, THAT is what these people look at. They don't care as much about US News Report or the "flagship" title. When they see how much we have invested in research, that is how we gain the academic respect. The rest is just window dressing.

  3. #39

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    The title "Flagship" is used in this state to polish a turd. LSU uses it because it's all about perception to show the rest of the state that "we are bigger than you." What the title doesn't show is the huge tower of debt their school is in at the expense of us, the hardworking tax payers. But I guess someone has to pay for that lazy river and Tiger habitat.

    With that being said, that R1 ranking for us is smelling good right about now with the efforts that we have put into research. Inside the academic world, THAT is what these people look at. They don't care as much about US News Report or the "flagship" title. When they see how much we have invested in research, that is how we gain the academic respect. The rest is just window dressing.
    And in just doing a quick search about acceptance rates, I found some pretty eye-opening data. These are the average %'s which were pretty consistent in the 5-6 different pages I found:

    lsu: 76%
    ltur: 62%
    uno: 58%
    UL: 55%

    So that means far...the easist school to get into in our state is the 'flagship.' That is just nothing short of amazing. And ltur is a push-over too. I guess that just means they gotta get as many suckers....I mean pay off thost facilities as possible, as we know they have virtually no other source.

  4. #40

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    And in just doing a quick search about acceptance rates, I found some pretty eye-opening data. These are the average %'s which were pretty consistent in the 5-6 different pages I found:

    lsu: 76%
    ltur: 62%
    uno: 58%
    UL: 55%

    So that means far...the easist school to get into in our state is the 'flagship.' That is just nothing short of amazing. And ltur is a push-over too. I guess that just means they gotta get as many suckers....I mean pay off thost facilities as possible, as we know they have virtually no other source.
    And, as I mentioned in another thread, that LSU will be lowering their ACT standards to a composite score of 22 for the Fall of 2019. That 76% is about to get even higher.

  5. #41

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    The title "Flagship" is used in this state to polish a turd. LSU uses it because it's all about perception to show the rest of the state that "we are bigger than you." What the title doesn't show is the huge tower of debt their school is in at the expense of us, the hardworking tax payers. But I guess someone has to pay for that lazy river and Tiger habitat.

    With that being said, that R1 ranking for us is smelling good right about now with the efforts that we have put into research. Inside the academic world, THAT is what these people look at. They don't care as much about US News Report or the "flagship" title. When they see how much we have invested in research, that is how we gain the academic respect. The rest is just window dressing.
    The folks at US News and World Report have admitted their ranking criteria is very subjective. One of the criteria they use is per cent of grads who donate back to their alma mater. In the past, Tech has been ahead of us in that regard.

  6. #42

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    Don't worry, I think you are used to it... The unpopular part. LOL. In regards to the fossil bringing us from regional status to national status, I'd love to hear how he did this and how we are there.
    Regional in the state to state-wide is more like it.

  7. #43

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    He foolishly listened to Blanco and others that an African American coach would be beneficial to the program. The Baldwin fiasco is easily his biggest failure and he should rightfully be blamed.
    It wasn't that he was African American. There are plenty of African Americans who'd have made a great football coach for this university. The problem was that the was totally unqualified, be he black, white, or stripped.

  8. #44

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    The folks at US News and World Report have admitted their ranking criteria is very subjective. One of the criteria they use is percent of grads who donate back to their alma mater. In the past, Tech has been ahead of us in that regard.
    they sneak around this by charging grads a few dollars in their graduation fee that go towards that donation.

  9. #45

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunfanatico View Post
    It wasn't that he was African American. There are plenty of African Americans who'd have made a great football coach for this university. The problem was that the was totally unqualified, be he black, white, or stripped.
    It hurts even more that Larry Blakeney had accepted the job ...

  10. #46

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by charliek View Post
    A top 50 athletic program with Tier 1 research status doesn't equate to an athletic/academic power? There are like 350 division 1 schools. Being in the top 50 athletically while also maintaining the highest research level would be the definition of a an Athletic/Academic power I would think.
    Do you view Houston or Memphis as Academic/Athletic power. I don’t, but I think they fit the criteria I laid out. I would love for us to be at their level and I think most everyone else would also.

  11. #47

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    Do you view Houston or Memphis as Academic/Athletic power. I don’t, but I think they fit the criteria I laid out. I would love for us to be at their level and I think most everyone else would also.

    It's been a long while since there were discussions on ESPN and the like about realignment, but from what I recall, those two, Houston and Memphis, were always considered in the mix as possible call-ups. They're certainly doing something right.

  12. #48

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    Do you view Houston or Memphis as Academic/Athletic power. I don’t, but I think they fit the criteria I laid out. I would love for us to be at their level and I think most everyone else would also.
    Not an academic power. Not an athletic power. But as schools who combine the two, they are a rarity. And we will be too. The only thing that can stop us are people with attitudes like yours.

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