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Thread: Technically ULS has no "Flagship" (+USN&WR)

  1. #13

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Thanks T

    If I am understanding the information in your link correctly, 2020 is literal......REAF is done in 10 year intervals. Our next is 2020. LTURd frozen at R3 til 2025. So 2020 to 2030 classification is up for review soon. Great timing for the PR machine to ramp up.....whilst showing ACTUAL strong near term growth as evidence for R1. Not LTURd hot air propaganda

  2. #14

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Try this site, SACS. They set the criteria and is more important than US NEWS.
    T, thanks. I did snoop around that site, but honestly, it made my eyes bleed. Like I said, I'm old. And to be more specific, I was looking for the criteria of what defines Tier 1 Status as proclaimed by the necksters. That info still seems to be tough to find.

    "I never really looked into it and just assumed that Tier 1 was a school ranked in the top 50 of US News College Rankings for National Universities. Tiers 2, 3, and 4 were the next group of 50 institutions. Anything not ranked in the top 200 were considered unranked schools. I do remember at one point something about US News deciding not to do Tier 2, that those schools would be part of a larger Tier 1, or something like that.

    The reason why I’m actually using fuzzy impressions is because there really isn’t any official definition of Tier 1. I think that it is often used by those in the college search process to refer to the top 50 schools ranked by US News and therefore, the most desirable or prestigious to attend."

    "There’s no universal definition but essentially, the term refers to the country’s top research-focused universities. While there are specific benchmarks to be considered part of that group, some aren't clear or rely purely on perception."

    "There is no universally accepted standard for what overall "tier one" means, but in general, schools are expected to bring in at least $100 million per year in research grants, plus have selective admissions and high-quality faculty. "

    As you can see from the above links, Tier 1 status is anything but well-defined. The necksters like to say they're Tier 1 (though I see them using it less and less these days) but when quizzed on it, they'll point to US News & World Report....and then run.

    Using the linky immediately above my comments here, the minimum $100 million in research grants seems to be a very important number. Based on that, I think we know where we stand relative to others in the UL System.

  3. #15

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    The problem is the Fossil really didn't get us closer to Tier 1 status with all the cuts to athletics over the years. He was a disappointment on both levels. Dr. Savoie has invested in hiring the right people raise funds for Research Development.
    This is going to an extremely unpopular opinion, but the fossil did a lot for this university. Under his watch we went from a regional university to a national one. As other state universities were stagnant during the oil bust, we continued to grow. Every time LSU and the legislature would try to shut down programs, he would move money around and save the program. I can personally say he was responsible for keeping the Masters Geology program. Instead of us getting cut, Nicholls and Tech got whacked.
    On the athletic front he went D1 and broke from all of our traditional rivals. He knew sports was a difference maker for us over the other regional schools. Did he make mistakes? Yes, quite a few of them. He was penny wise and pound foolish. But make no mistake, without the Fossil we would not all be here talking about many of the great things that are happening at our University.

  4. #16

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    But make no mistake, without the Fossil we would not all be here talking about many of the great things that are happening at our University.
    That can't be said with certainty. A more dynamic leader may have done much, much more, especially in the realm of athletics. And while I won't say we'd have had a shot a P5 slot by now, by looking at what we had, and what we were doing in 1971 when I first arrived on campus, we'd have had plenty of opportunity to grow into an AAC-type program with a budget in the $40-50MM range. Again, just my opinion.

  5. #17

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by Policarp View Post
    Thanks T

    If I am understanding the information in your link correctly, 2020 is literal......REAF is done in 10 year intervals. Our next is 2020. LTURd frozen at R3 til 2025. So 2020 to 2030 classification is up for review soon. Great timing for the PR machine to ramp up.....whilst showing ACTUAL strong near term growth as evidence for R1. Not LTURd hot air propaganda
    That is our target date! That is why we are pushing so hard to meet the criteria for 2020.

  6. #18

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    This is going to an extremely unpopular opinion, but the fossil did a lot for this university. Under his watch we went from a regional university to a national one. As other state universities were stagnant during the oil bust, we continued to grow. Every time LSU and the legislature would try to shut down programs, he would move money around and save the program. I can personally say he was responsible for keeping the Masters Geology program. Instead of us getting cut, Nicholls and Tech got whacked.
    On the athletic front he went D1 and broke from all of our traditional rivals. He knew sports was a difference maker for us over the other regional schools. Did he make mistakes? Yes, quite a few of them. He was penny wise and pound foolish. But make no mistake, without the Fossil we would not all be here talking about many of the great things that are happening at our University.
    No, I think he did accomplish some things. Yes, he did help move us to D1. But he never committed to it financially and micro-managed it into the ground. It was a facade, he feared athletics like many of his contemporaries in academia. And he never believed that athletics are the front porch of the university.

    Everything I posted is as accurate as your statement, popular or unpopular.

  7. #19

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunfanatico View Post
    That can't be said with certainty. A more dynamic leader may have done much, much more, especially in the realm of athletics. And while I won't say we'd have had a shot a P5 slot by now, by looking at what we had, and what we were doing in 1971 when I first arrived on campus, we'd have had plenty of opportunity to grow into an AAC-type program with a budget in the $40-50MM range. Again, just my opinion.
    And I think another president could have just as easily put us on a similar path as Southeastern or McNeese. Remember, he was hired internally. USL was not conducting national searches to find the best administrators. Could someone have done better? Probably, but most would have done worse.
    Anyway, what is important is how we move forward. I am happy to see the organization TJoe has put together. I am not as optimistic as some of you that we will be a major academic/athletic power, But I think Tier 1 research status and a Top 50 athletic program are attainable in the next 5-10 years.

  8. #20

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    And I think another president could have just as easily put us on a similar path as Southeastern or McNeese. Remember, he was hired internally. USL was not conducting national searches to find the best administrators. Could someone have done better? Probably, but most would have done worse.
    Anyway, what is important is how we move forward. I am happy to see the organization TJoe has put together. I am not as optimistic as some of you that we will be a major academic/athletic power, But I think Tier 1 research status and a Top 50 athletic program are attainable in the next 5-10 years.
    Well, for the record, I'm not convinced Cajun Field would have been built had The Fossil been the one to make the least not as early as it was built.

  9. #21

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    This is going to an extremely unpopular opinion, but the fossil did a lot for this university. Under his watch we went from a regional university to a national one.
    Don't worry, I think you are used to it... The unpopular part. LOL. In regards to the fossil bringing us from regional status to national status, I'd love to hear how he did this and how we are there.

  10. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    No, I think he did accomplish some things. Yes, he did help move us to D1. But he never committed to it financially and micro-managed it into the ground. It was a facade, he feared athletics like many of his contemporaries in academia. And he never believed that athletics are the front porch of the university.

    Everything I posted is as accurate as your statement, popular or unpopular.
    I’ll add on. He likely personally wished athletics would go away.

    He despised signing off on athletic scholarships, and he actively strangled funding by telling coaches they were not allowed to seek donations from certain people.

  11. #23

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunfanatico View Post
    Well, for the record, I'm not convinced Cajun Field would have been built had The Fossil been the one to make the least not as early as it was built.
    Or as well was truly a 'state of the art' facility/complex back in the day.

  12. #24

    Default Re: Technically ULS has no "Flagship"

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    Don't worry, I think you are used to it... The unpopular part. LOL. In regards to the fossil bringing us from regional status to national status, I'd love to hear how he did this and how we are there.
    If you don't see the growth under his watch, I can't help you. Wasn't he the one who pushed through the name change? He was the one who realized endowments were severely lacking and pursued outside funding sources. He also used his relationship with John Breaux and Bennett Johnson to get our research park off the ground. UL aggressively fought for Federal dollars and did quite well. He also aggressively solicited professor endowments which had a 40% state match. We are way ahead of all the other ULS schools in this regard. Was he a tight wad? Absolutely, and he ____ed off many a professor with his micro management, but he is the main reason we are not looked at like Southeastern and the rest. Want to see what gross mismanagement looks like? Look no further than UNO. That school had been decimated by poor leadership and is a shell of its former self.
    AS for athletics, his micro management style clashed with the inherent corruption that pervades college sports. He should have let Terry Don run the program as he saw fit and trust him that he would not get UL on probation again. He did not and we languished as he looked for people who would answer to him. But make no mistake, the guy loved UL sports and was a vocal fan at the games I saw him at.

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