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Thread: Student Fee for football

  1. #25

    Default Re: Student Fee for football

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_lannister View Post
    Not everyone loves sports we sometimes live in a vacuum on here. My brother who just graduated from UL has never attended a single sporting event outside of a high school football game. He would vote no on a student fee because he has zero interest in UL athletics and there are a lot of students that feel the same.
    Again, why do they get to vote? (I mean other than misguided state policy) The administration should set the tuition and fee level where they think it needs to be, and the students can vote by either attending or not attending the university.

  2. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Things change so I am not sure of the current funding source.

    At one time the band/cheerleader fee was included with the IPF/ Bourgeois Hall student fee. Perhaps it still is.
    I remember seeing a charge of $5 and $10 at least my last couple semesters and then there was a building use fee as well for all of the campus buildings I think but to me it didn’t make sense to have the students pay for the cheerleaders.

  3. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_lannister View Post
    Not everyone loves sports we sometimes live in a vacuum on here. My brother who just graduated from UL has never attended a single sporting event outside of a high school football game. He would vote no on a student fee because he has zero interest in UL athletics and there are a lot of students that feel the same.
    I understand your brother saying no not being a sports fan...but SMD is saying how can he/they not view it as a minor nvestment in their diploma/future...

  4. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by charliek View Post
    Again, why do they get to vote? (I mean other than misguided state policy) The administration should set the tuition and fee level where they think it needs to be, and the students can vote by either attending or not attending the university.
    They get to vote on everything when it comes to added fees. My sophomore year we got to vote on if they were going to add more buses and vote on the fountain in the quad. It all boils down to how many people actually participate in the voting. Not a lot of students vote and then the ones that don’t like it get mad that they are being charged an extra amount but they are the same ones that didn’t vote on it.

  5. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunGrad16 View Post
    I remember seeing a charge of $5 and $10 at least my last couple semesters and then there was a building use fee as well for all of the campus buildings I think but to me it didn’t make sense to have the students pay for the cheerleaders.
    This topic always aggravates me...majority of students don’t wanna pay for athletics and cheerleaders and other groups that they have no involvement or interest in yet feel education should be “free” and paid for by ironic...

  6. #30

    Default Re: Student Fee for football

    Every time I see crowd shot of the student section at UL I see Very few people. I don’t see how charging them would help the situation. Lannister is right, I have one going to college and two in HS and paying to watch sports is not on their radar. Kids have different interests today.

  7. #31

    Default Re: Student Fee for football

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunGrad16 View Post
    They get to vote on everything when it comes to added fees. My sophomore year we got to vote on if they were going to add more buses and vote on the fountain in the quad. It all boils down to how many people actually participate in the voting. Not a lot of students vote and then the ones that don’t like it get mad that they are being charged an extra amount but they are the same ones that didn’t vote on it.
    I understand that they get to vote. I'm saying it's dumb. The university should have the freedom to set the tuition and fees as they need, and the students (customer) can vote by choosing to attend or not.

  8. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by charliek View Post
    I understand that they get to vote. I'm saying it's dumb. The university should have the freedom to set the tuition and fees as they need, and the students (customer) can vote by choosing to attend or not.
    100% agree. Dont like it.....go elsewhere. Free market capitalism 101, All schools should have freedom to set fees as needed.

  9. #33

    Default Re: Student Fee for football

    Quote Originally Posted by Policarp View Post
    100% agree. Dont like it.....go elsewhere. Free market capitalism 101, All schools should have freedom to set fees as needed.
    UL is a public school with Louisiana tax dollars supporting it. If UL wants to set their own price they need to go private. This is a moot point. We are not getting a student athletic fee because it is not supported by the student body.

  10. #34

    Default Re: Student Fee for football

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    UL is a public school with Louisiana tax dollars supporting it. If UL wants to set their own price they need to go private. This is a moot point. We are not getting a student athletic fee because it is not supported by the student body.
    So what? There are lots of public entities that I don't get to personally vote on what fee I pay them for their service.

  11. Default Re: Student Fee for football

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    Every time I see crowd shot of the student section at UL I see Very few people. ....
    A byproduct of moving the student sections into the Irrelevant Zone.

  12. #36

    Default Re: Student Fee for football

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJeaux View Post
    I understand your brother saying no not being a sports fan...but SMD is saying how can he/they not view it as a minor investment in their diploma/future...
    Because people are not hired based off how well your college did in football the previous year. I all for having a student fee but the students need to have a voice in the matter. I can vividly remember working all summer to pay for my school and becoming enraged when a saw $175 cheerleading fee. On the other hand, I voted for the new union and was happy to pay that fee because I knew I voted for it.

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