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Thread: New Survey

  1. #85


    Quote Originally Posted by Duggie35 View Post

    I agree with your premise in general, as many of us on this board are former students. But can you provide any other examples of Universities that "reserve" 50 yard line seats strictly for students? I can't answer that question myself, but would be shocked to learn that this is a policy at many schools (if any), much less at any consistently successful programs.

  2. Default Re: New Survey

    Quote Originally Posted by Duggie35 View Post

    I agree with your premise in general, as many of us on this board are former students. But can you provide any other examples of Universities that "reserve" 50 yard line seats strictly for students? I can't answer that question myself, but would be shocked to learn that this is a policy at many schools (if any), much less at any consistently successful programs.
    I'm just giving a marketing growth philosophy.

    I know of no university that is geared for long term growth. Instead they go for immediate return.

    A student on the 50 will recruit. A student up in the elsewhere may not even admit going to the game.

    Again just thoughts, no iron clad examples.

  3. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by HOUCajun View Post
    Not in the lower level. Between the 40s is for purchase by fans.

  4. #88


    Quote Originally Posted by GeauxLouisiana View Post
    Not in the lower level. Between the 40s is for purchase by fans.
    Students were all along the visitor side when we played them a few years ago

  5. #89

    Default Re: New Survey

    TAMU is at 50 in middle & upper decks. ROTC is lower. They also get the sun side like UL BUT they PAY for it. Ticket costs are added into studwnt costs if you attend games or not. Over $500 semester. Students are vested into & as such almost always show up.

    Want for it

  6. #90

    Default Re: New Survey

    Quote Originally Posted by Geaux View Post
    As long as we are in the Sunbelt. I'm tapping out at $50-$55 per seat for premium seating.

    If we were in another G5 league, maybe $70 per seat. Anything above that for college football, we would have to be in a P5 conference. Also remember, in addition to the ticket cost, there's usually a RCAF fee for premium seating.
    RCAF Fee policy may be revised due to the new tax laws.

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaHammock View Post
    Yeah, because that side of the stadium is always at a shortage of available seating!

    I am excited about the direction of the program as much as anyone else but people have to be realistic in their expectations. We are a LONG way from having to worry about seating issues in Cajun Field. We can 10-2 for many years and not have problems with too much attendance in my opinion. People want to see a good product on the field but they also want it against another good product as well. Until that changes we are still on an uphill climb.
    We are a P5 upset away from having seating issues. The marketing uptick, the excitement generating by the recruiting process, add a new stadium and then winning? That’s the recipe.

    We aren’t far away.

  8. #92

    Default Re: New Survey

    This is Fresno State Visitor Side or east side this would be the solution about putting premium seating between the 40's on our East side. Still can put Students at the bottom between the 40's.

  9. #93

    Default Re: New Survey

    Quote Originally Posted by HOUCajun View Post
    But do they get into the game and get to sit there at no charge?

  10. #94

    Default Re: New Survey

    Quote Originally Posted by Policarp View Post
    TAMU is at 50 in middle & upper decks. ROTC is lower. They also get the sun side like UL BUT they PAY for it. Ticket costs are added into studwnt costs if you attend games or not. Over $500 semester. Students are vested into & as such almost always show up.

    Want for it
    "Ticket costs are added into student costs if you attend games or not. Over $500 semester."

    I posted about this before. If, for example, we add $150 per semester for ticket costs for all students, that is $300 per year. At about 20,000 students, that is $6,000,000 in additional ticket sales or student fees or whatever you want to call them. That is a small price for students to pay and when added to tuition, which is already among the lowest in the country, it is or should not be a prohibitive cost to attending UL. As he stated, students become vested into athletics and tend to show up for games. Athletics can do a lot with a guaranteed $6,000,000 per year.

  11. #95


    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    "Ticket costs are added into student costs if you attend games or not. Over $500 semester."

    I posted about this before. If, for example, we add $150 per semester for ticket costs for all students, that is $300 per year. At about 20,000 students, that is $6,000,000 in additional ticket sales or student fees or whatever you want to call them. That is a small price for students to pay and when added to tuition, which is already among the lowest in the country, it is or should not be a prohibitive cost to attending UL. As he stated, students become vested into athletics and tend to show up for games. Athletics can do a lot with a guaranteed $6,000,000 per year.
    The 500 athletic pass at aTm is voluntary. What % of UL students do you think would pay a couple hundred nares bucks to buy an athletic pass? I am guessing 10% or less

  12. #96

    Default Re: New Survey

    Quote Originally Posted by HOUCajun View Post
    The 500 athletic pass at aTm is voluntary. What % of UL students do you think would pay a couple hundred nares bucks to buy an athletic pass? I am guessing 10% or less
    I agree...would be less than 10% if they have an option. But I think adding $150 per year for entry into ALL sports would still be a real bargain, and would help us out a whole lot. But I think we need to wait a year or two after the Napier effect is in full force....

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