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Thread: Cajun Field: UL's Maggard wants 'Wow Effect' function

  1. #169

    Default Re: Cajun Field: UL's Maggard wants 'Wow Effect' function

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Yes, I was one of those people during Russo construction who had the contacts of contractors and knew what was happening..or wasn't happening i should say. I was responding to the "we should at least try, if rather fall flat on my face but we we should at least try" well it looks to me like Maggard and tjoe are trying e erythomg they can. Probably spending money we don't have trying to better this place. The Russo fiasco was under old leadership, so what project is currently being botched under Maggard? He has been here a little over a year and already has people sitting at a table to upgrade football stadium. What is there to btch about? What is he dragging his feet on? Does all of this malcontent boil down to Jeremy Talbot? I just don't get it, who cares what a couple small time thinking knuckleheads think, you think they were going to help advance anyway? The sky is falling mentality never seems to go away. I don't ever remember a time in Cajun athletics where the department was headed in a better direction as a whole than it is now. Somehow acknowledging that makes a person accepting mediocrity or small time.
    Okay, fair enough. Yes, some people are not content unless they are complaining about something. I'm not certain that any project is behind, because to my memory no specific timetable was laid out for the stadium once Dr. Maggard was hired. And with the economy downsized in recent years, revisiting the Master Plan to fit our current needs and fundraising is a sound decision. In my opinion, I never bought into building an upper deck, but focusing on the luxury suites and still keep the family feel to the stadium. I like the SMU model, it would work just fine for us. You can always add levels as we grow. But that's my opinion and others have a different vision. I'm not concerned about our stadium project outside of finding corporate money from outside our area.

  2. #170

    Default Re: Cajun Field: UL's Maggard wants 'Wow Effect' function

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Yes, I was one of those people during Russo construction who had the contacts of contractors and knew what was happening..or wasn’t happening i should say. I was responding to the “we should at least try, if rather fall flat on my face but we we should at least try” well it looks to me like Maggard and tjoe are trying e erythomg they can. Probably spending money we don’t have trying to better this place. The Russo fiasco was under old leadership, so what project is currently being botched under Maggard? He has been here a little over a year and already has people sitting at a table to upgrade football stadium. What is there to btch about? What is he dragging his feet on? Does all of this malcontent boil down to Jeremy Talbot? I just don’t get it, who cares what a couple small time thinking knuckleheads think, you think they were going to help advance anyway? The sky is falling mentality never seems to go away. I don’t ever remember a time in Cajun athletics where the department was headed in a better direction as a whole than it is now. Somehow acknowledging that makes a person accepting mediocrity or small time.
    Where has anyone in any thread made comments negatively about the job Maggard has done? I'm trying to follow to where you got to this post and I just can't see it.

  3. #171

    Default Re: Cajun Field: UL's Maggard wants 'Wow Effect' function

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Yes, I was one of those people during Russo construction who had the contacts of contractors and knew what was happening..or wasn't happening i should say. I was responding to the "we should at least try, if rather fall flat on my face but we we should at least try" well it looks to me like Maggard and tjoe are trying e erythomg they can. Probably spending money we don't have trying to better this place. The Russo fiasco was under old leadership, so what project is currently being botched under Maggard? He has been here a little over a year and already has people sitting at a table to upgrade football stadium. What is there to btch about? What is he dragging his feet on? Does all of this malcontent boil down to Jeremy Talbot? I just don't get it, who cares what a couple small time thinking knuckleheads think, you think they were going to help advance anyway? The sky is falling mentality never seems to go away. I don't ever remember a time in Cajun athletics where the department was headed in a better direction as a whole than it is now. Somehow acknowledging that makes a person accepting mediocrity or small time.
    For the second time, I was using that phrase of " at least trying" to the naysayers in our fan base who think that Maggard is overreaching in getting us to where we need to be. It had nothing to do with the job he is doing. Go reread the post and notice who I was referring to.

    Once again, Maggard and his staff are exactly what this university has been needing for a long time. That's what I have been preaching this entire time. Where on Earth did you read in my thread that I disagreed?

  4. #172

    Default Re: Cajun Field: UL's Maggard wants 'Wow Effect' function

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    For the second time, I was using that phrase of " at least trying" to the naysayers in our fan base who think that Maggard is overreaching in getting us to where we need to be. It had nothing to do with the job he is doing. Go reread the post and notice who I was referring to.

    Once again, Maggard and his staff are exactly what this university has been needing for a long time. That's what I have been preaching this entire time. Where on Earth did you read in my thread that I disagreed?
    I wasn't certain which comments he was talking about, that is why I asked which specifically were a problem with him. Yea, I can see you having a problem with Dr. Maggard after you and your father had lunch with him recently. LMAO!

  5. #173

    Default Re: Cajun Field: UL's Maggard wants 'Wow Effect' function

    Yeah, I've met the man quite a few times; and it's safe to say he's not really a "USL" guy if you know what I mean.

  6. #174

    Default Re: Cajun Field: UL's Maggard wants 'Wow Effect' function

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    This is true. I hear some older fans talk like this, but they are not supporting the program in any appreciable way. We are now conditioned to come early, pay for parking, and watch the Cajuns play a bunch of schools we never knew existed 20 years ago. The last point is important. Playing team you have no historical attachments to make the price increases difficult for some to accept. I have accepted them, but I personally am not willing to pay any more additional money for the SBC. A few people here may think I am a bad fan, but I have other interest that are more important than going to a Georgia St game.
    Understand that perspective. I don't look at it that way however. I look at it from the standpoint I am going to see the Cajuns play.

  7. #175


    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    For the second time, I was using that phrase of " at least trying" to the naysayers in our fan base who think that Maggard is overreaching in getting us to where we need to be. It had nothing to do with the job he is doing. Go reread the post and notice who I was referring to.

    Once again, Maggard and his staff are exactly what this university has been needing for a long time. That's what I have been preaching this entire time. Where on Earth did you read in my thread that I disagreed?
    Well i stand corrected and missed the context of the post. Those people are irrelevant, as long as Maggard and tjoe know where they want to go and an idea of how to get there, that’s all that matters. Like i said to T, who cares what the small time knuckleheads think. There are negative people everywhere even at the best programs. Just because they are often the loudest doesn’t make them the majority or relevant.

  8. #176

    Default Re: Cajun Field: UL's Maggard wants 'Wow Effect' function

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Well i stand corrected and missed the context of the post. Those people are irrelevant, as long as Maggard and tjoe know where they want to go and an idea of how to get there, that’s all that matters. Like i said to T, who cares what the small time knuckleheads think. There are negative people everywhere even at the best programs. Just because they are often the loudest doesn’t make them the majority or relevant.

  9. #177

    Default Re: Cajun Field: UL's Maggard wants 'Wow Effect' function

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    If he wants a wow factor then one of the first things he needs to do is bulldoze the cox building. The new APC was not built in a way to have the cox building in front of it, and you can't see it or get the true beauty of it with the cox in the way. Got to get rid of the eye sore blocking the APC IMO.
    Read an article this morning about the new baseball club house facility being in the planning. Baseball is now using the cox for lockers and offices.

    Does this mean the new club house has to be built before you can bulldoze cox?

    Does this also mean all the club house funds have to be raised before we can focus on moneys for the football stadium?

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