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Thread: Baseball Coach or Life Coach

  1. #181

    Default Re: Baseball Coach or Life Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    Being a baseball coach should include being a life coach. Being a life coach does not necessarily include being a baseball coach. Tony is paid to be a baseball coach. Don't let 90 and jeaux muddy the conversation. I'm not saying recruit thugs. I'm not saying throw life lessons out the door. I'm saying fix the glaring issue that resulted in bad baseball the last 2 years and have expectations. It was stated earlier, status quo is never acceptable. If you aren't improving, you are regressing because other good programs are either passing you up or leaving you completely behind.
    Muddy the conversation?...just remember this...if it was up to the vocal fanbase...the years of 2013,2014,2015, 2016 that you are foaming at the mouth to return to would’ve never happened here at UL...this same conversation was taking place on this same site post 2012 season...

  2. #182

    Default Re: Baseball Coach or Life Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJeaux View Post
    Muddy the conversation?...just remember this...if it was up to the vocal fanbase...the years of 2013,2014,2015, 2016 that you are foaming at the mouth to return to would’ve never happened here at UL...this same conversation was taking place on this same site post 2012 season...
    Because Tony is the only coach on the planet that could have done that right? When you say things like that, you show how you really feel. What happens when he retires? Shut down the program?

  3. #183

    Default Re: Baseball Coach or Life Coach

    I have asked this question a long time ago, but I would like to hear everyone's current response. What is your long term expectations for the Baseball Program. Once this is known, it will determine if you believe the program's coach is on a hot seat. I personally don't believe the seat is hot now, but 2 more years of play like this and it will be scorching hot.

    3 out of every five years as the Conference Champ (Division, Overall, or Tourney)
    3 out of every five years in Regional Play.
    1 out of every five years in Super Regional Play.
    1 out of every ten years in CWS Play.

  4. #184


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    Because Tony is the only coach on the planet that could have done that right? When you say things like that, you show how you really feel. What happens when he retires? Shut down the program?
    Of course he’s not the only one who can do it...but we have someone who has proven he CAN do think it’s that easy to just pluck a replacement and give us his results or >?...everyone was sporting wood and poking eyes out when Deggs left and we got the next best thing: his student...and it’s not working out...exactly like purple and ____ tired of Miles and they’re now seeing it’s not as easy as just throwing money at someone and get the same results or > will appear...

  5. #185

    Default Re: Baseball Coach or Life Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJeaux View Post
    Muddy the conversation?...just remember this...if it was up to the vocal fanbase...the years of 2013,2014,2015, 2016 that you are foaming at the mouth to return to would’ve never happened here at UL...this same conversation was taking place on this same site post 2012 season...
    We might have won a CWS or pulled a st. Peters that question can never be answered

  6. Default Re: Baseball Coach or Life Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunAmos View Post
    One of the top 5 CC recruiting comments, " You do realize we're about 15 minutes from the beach, right?".
    Rutherford Beach Y'all!!!

  7. Default Re: Baseball Coach or Life Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    Continuing with my “it’s the players stupid” stance.....just wondering who we lost by players not getting offered here, choosing a better school (sec), getting more offered by another, getting drafted, getting out recruited, injuries? The what if and how close to what could have been......anybody got names or stories???
    Again Boomer, none of that matters. The only thing that matters is who we actually put on the field. It matters not one bit why someone isn’t on the team.

  8. #188

    Default Re: Baseball Coach or Life Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunProud View Post
    You are correct, but we had come off of a super regional in 1999 and then the CWS in 2000. We should have planned accordingly with regard to recruiting prior to and through the 1999 season so that we wouldn't have the situation that arose in 2001 where we didn't even make the conference tournament.
    When you have a bunch of juniors, you're playing a waiting game on who stays/goes. You can't necessarily promise some of your 11.7 scholarships without knowing that it will be available. I guess you could go to your juniors and say I need an answer by XXXX date or you lose your scholarship, but I don't know if that's the smartest thing to do either.

  9. #189

    Default Re: Baseball Coach or Life Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_lannister View Post
    We might have won a CWS or pulled a st. Peters that question can never be answered
    Without scheduling one bad team last year I'm pretty sure we make the tournament last year. Are we having this conversation now?

  10. Default Re: Baseball Coach or Life Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunAmos View Post
    Without scheduling one bad team last year I'm pretty sure we make the tournament last year. Are we having this conversation now?
    I feel like I found 2 pennies in my pocket, 'Somewhere In Time."

    Thanks for bringing me back to reality.

  11. Default Re: Baseball Coach or Life Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunAmos View Post
    Without scheduling one bad team last year I'm pretty sure we make the tournament last year. Are we having this conversation now?
    Exactly and this year, even with the horrible offensive stats we were right there on the border of going again, but 💩💩💩 the bed in the last two games.

    Only 64 out of almost 300 can go.

    Everybody, even the coaching staff I would dare say, knows that something big better happen to improve the offense for next year. If that does not happen, the troops who haven't already done so will get real restless.

  12. #192

    Default Re: Baseball Coach or Life Coach

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunAmos View Post
    Without scheduling one bad team last year I'm pretty sure we make the tournament last year. Are we having this conversation now?
    Missing the point. Winning a couple games that we blew gets us in the tourney this year. It does not remove the fact that we were awful at the plate. We maybe win a loser's bracket game against a 4 seed, but have no legitimate shot at winning the regional.

    Someone asked earlier what our expectations are. I feel like every season we should be able to legitimately expect to be competitive and win in a regional. That requires making a regional and being better offensively than we are now. Last season, and now the upcoming season, give no reason to expect we can win a regional. I'm OK with a "that's baseball" season. This was not one of those.

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