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Thread: Could the Ragin’ Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

  1. #601

    Default Re: Could the Ragin’ Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchie35 View Post
    If the renovation would cost 75% of a new stadium, which direction should be taken. I would never put 75% the cost of building a new house into renovating mine. Maggard said no new stadium, but I would be willing to say after all the round table talk in the next couple of months, renovation vs. new, could be on the table in the conversation. You can build that eight story section without doing anything to the first and second level west side. You can add seating on the north side end zone. But renovating the first and second level, other than pressure washing, would take a massive undertaking.....$$$$$$
    Whether a renovation happens or a stadium is built at a different location, the existing west side seating will have to be removed at some point. It is basically semantics if you call it new or renovation

  2. #602

    Default Re: Could the Ragin’ Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

    The beauty of the stadium we have now is that we already have a structure to build on. Yes, the structure is old and worn down; but that's why we renovate. I like the idea that Maggard has brought up. Take down what's needed to be taken down and rebuild from there. The good news about our structure is that we have a ton of room to add in (club levels, suites, etc.) whatever is necessary outside of just the upper deck and press box.

    I would suggest taking a look at Charlotte's stadium and the way they're phasing it. It would give us a good idea of a similar plan that we would implement.

  3. #603

    Default Re: Could the Ragin’ Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

    Found some very interesting reading here. What you can do and what you can't do.

  4. #604

    Default Re: Could the Ragin’ Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchie35 View Post
    If the renovation would cost 75% of a new stadium, which direction should be taken. I would never put 75% the cost of building a new house into renovating mine. Maggard said no new stadium, but I would be willing to say after all the round table talk in the next couple of months, renovation vs. new, could be on the table in the conversation. You can build that eight story section without doing anything to the first and second level west side. You can add seating on the north side end zone. But renovating the first and second level, other than pressure washing, would take a massive undertaking.....$$$$$$
    That's kind of the thing, there really is no cheaper option. Cajun Field has been neglected for so long that any renovation will be a MAJOR undertaking. The only thing saved in the end would be the South endzone and the parking surrounding the field. Only the people in the meetings know the exact numbers, but because it will be so major is why there are people that are clinging to "new." If you're going to spend $70 million either way, might as well make it all shiny and new. Personally, I'm for whichever option gives us the most bang for our buck, and since Maggard came out and said it won't be a completely new structure, that tells me they know - or at least anticipate - that massive renovation of the existing Cajun Field will provide that.

  5. #605

    Default Re: Could the Ragin' Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by BrockMeaux View Post
    That's kind of the thing, there really is no cheaper option. Cajun Field has been neglected for so long that any renovation will be a MAJOR undertaking. The only thing saved in the end would be the South endzone and the parking surrounding the field. Only the people in the meetings know the exact numbers, but because it will be so major is why there are people that are clinging to "new." If you're going to spend $70 million either way, might as well make it all shiny and new. Personally, I'm for whichever option gives us the most bang for our buck, and since Maggard came out and said it won't be a completely new structure, that tells me they know - or at least anticipate - that massive renovation of the existing Cajun Field will provide that.
    but $70 mill spread out over 4 to 5 years with phases and the ability to play in the stadium during the stages or $70 mill all at once to build a new stadium.

  6. #606

    Default Re: Could the Ragin' Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_lannister View Post
    but $70 mill spread out over 4 to 5 years with phases and the ability to play in the stadium during the stages or $70 mill all at once to build a new stadium.
    Nail on head. Phases is key here.

    Also, we aren't talking about puting lipstick on a pig. Everything we will do will be from the ground up, and it will be shiny and new, and up to code.

  7. #607

    Default Re: Could the Ragin’ Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

    In Maggard I trust!!!!

  8. #608


    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchie35 View Post
    If the renovation would cost 75% of a new stadium, which direction should be taken. I would never put 75% the cost of building a new house into renovating mine. Maggard said no new stadium, but I would be willing to say after all the round table talk in the next couple of months, renovation vs. new, could be on the table in the conversation. You can build that eight story section without doing anything to the first and second level west side. You can add seating on the north side end zone. But renovating the first and second level, other than pressure washing, would take a massive undertaking.....$$$$$$
    I would NEVER consider pressure washing as renovating in any way, shape or form EVER.

  9. #609

    Default Re: Could the Ragin' Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaHammock View Post
    I would NEVER consider pressure washing as renovating in any way, shape or form EVER.

    We better hurry and do something

  10. Default Re: Could the Ragin' Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by no1cajunfan View Post
    Any chance we could lure the Independance Bowl to Lafayette with a nice stadium?

  11. #611


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    What is the problem?

    Did y'all not listen to the Maggard interview?

    He said it will not be a new stadium from scratch in a new location.

    He said it will probably be done in phases. He mentioned it would probably be west side first, then east side at a later time, then a NEZ if we needed more seating. Even with a NEZ it will not be more seating than now.

    Just what in the Holy heck are you people upset about?

    Seriously, I can't figure it out.
    This right here! Where you and I may disagree is with total capacity. I want a 35-40k stadium at max capacity. I don't care if some people can't get in for potential big games...sorry, boo! Create demand!

  12. #612

    Default Re: Could the Ragin’ Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    I know I will never change your mind, but empty stadiums do not give off a good impression. Why we would build a stadium with 40,000 seats and have it half empty? I agree with you that we can grow our season ticket base, but having a larger stadium would incentivize people not to buy season tickets. You have to create a demand first.
    This is the year to create a demand first for season tickets. As I stated earlier in this post, in my opinion, there are only two ways to put 40,000+ in CF every home game.

    1. Bring in the top tier teams into CF and beat them...the Alabama's, Oklahoma's, VaTech's...
    2. Play the top tier teams at their place and beat them....the Alabama's, Florida's, Miss.State's....

    I know that it would be asking a ton of Coach Napier to pull off this miracle this year, but if the Cajuns beat Alabama and Miss.State, not to mention NM State, then no matter who the Cajuns play at home, even if it was Ovey Comeaux High, the stadium will be full because everyone will want to see the team that beat Alabama and Miss. State.

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