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Thread: Could the Ragin’ Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

  1. Default Re: Could the Ragin' Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Because a FEMA floodway runs thru the middle of it with the adjoining flood zone. The floodway is basically dead land, can't build squat.

    I'm not a tree hugger, but after all the shouting was over after the transaction, the university unloaded something that could never be fully developed and would have required perpetual maintenance. A good move from a fiscal point.
    All you have to do is look at the residential areas across Johnston that straddle the "FEMA floodway" as well as the residential areas on the back end of the 100 acres where Coulee Mine dumps into the river to recognize that 80% of that land can be utilized.

    The debatable portion is perfect for federal education grants to study flood zones. Including but not limited to being the perfect location for the Ira Nelson Horticulture Center, which would have freed up Johnston Street land for the Main Campus.

    Point being, don't let the current needs dictate and lock you in for the long term.

  2. Default Re: Could the Ragin' Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    I don't know what the Houston Dynamo call their color but that color in the picture is, Vermilion Red.
    Ok I checked, "officially" their color is orange, and their paraphernalia is very orange.

    The stadium hue in those pictures is very Vermilion Red.

  3. #279
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Could the Ragin’ Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

    Why are some of you getting mad about your new Cajun Field ideas... as if this forum votes and decides what's built? Personally, I think we're drifting away from the Master Plan renderings. So there's a good chance some new design ideas (phases) are being studied. If there are solid arguments for a grassroots development over the modernizing phases of Cajun Field, it is on the table. If it isn't on the table, it's because your cost analysis (everything considered) falls short.

    But getting upset with your fellow RPer is kind of silly. Whatever we build, unlike private groups that can go bankrupt and run away from their debt, we have to pay for it, and we have to make it last for 30 to 50 years. Personally, the only way I see a brand new grassroots football stadium is if there's a big private use that will partner and help pay for it.

  4. #280


    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Ok I checked, "officially" their color is orange, and their paraphernalia is very orange.

    The stadium hue in those pictures is very Vermilion Red.
    Dynamo stadium is definitely orange. TX Southern also plays there and I believe hey are orange also

  5. Default Re: Could the Ragin' Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by HOUCajun View Post
    Dynamo stadium is definitely orange. TX Southern also plays there and I believe hey are orange also

    Do the pictures posted earlier match real life, or was photoshop affecting the hue?

  6. #282

    Default Re: Could the Ragin' Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin9221 View Post
    Look let's be realistic the architecture has to fit the University! So the new stadium has to have something like this. We can do this with the 70 million stadium I proposed on post #82

    I agree. A good design will mesh well with it's surroundings.

    With that said, I can see a few problems with this IMO. Bricks cost money. Fancy columns and ornate designs cost money. I feel like we'd shoot for your picture but end up with something like this which is just... meh:

    Second, the architecture of the athletic complex has never fit into that "old traditional college" mold like the main campus. Every building is modern but with brick accents. And because it is part of the stadium, the design will have to mesh more with the South end zone than Martin Hall.

    You can do modern designs in a way that still mesh well with historic buildings. Chelsea FC in London are about to build this. It is ultra-modern but it still fits with the look and scale of the neighborhood around it.

  7. #283

    Default Re: Could the Ragin' Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJeaux View Post
    Last I recall they had around 853 fans per game their last year in the dome...
    Being a big hockey fan from 1995-2006 I witnessed those sell outs. Around 9000 season ticket holders and the rest standing in line to get in. What was said earlier about Product/Product/Marketing was correct. They had that and more for the first 4 years but let it slip. Forgot about the husband, wife and a couple of kid attending for $20. I guest they saw a good thing and raised the price of a ticket from $5 in the upper decks to $8 and lost that family. The downfall began. Plus corruption on the part of the owners. After the fans left it was down hill from there. So do it right and price it right with the fan in mind and a product on the field. With a 35K seat stadium you might be scratching your head saying, "what was I thinking in not building for the future".

  8. #284

    Default Re: Could the Ragin’ Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

    No. Soccer. Stadiums.

  9. #285

    Default Re: Could the Ragin' Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    A good design will mesh well with it's surroundings.
    When Farmer was released the Master Plan a few years ago, the new Cajun Field Tower look very similar to this one at Troy. ...where Scott Farmer help build. Not saying you want this, but I'm glad Farmer isn't involved anymore to build the same Tower at Cajun Field like he did at Troy.

  10. #286


    Quote Originally Posted by Louisiana_Spice View Post
    When Farmer was released the Master Plan a few years ago, the new Cajun Field Tower look very similar to this one at Troy...where Scott Farmer help build. Not saying you want this, but I'm glad Farmer isn't involved anymore to build the same Tower at Cajun Field like he did at Troy.
    I agree. Trust me, I was more critical than anyone about how he handled the football stadium. He wasted 8 million dollars putting in new seats that to this very day have never been needed and have never generated a dime of extra income for us. And his plans to renovate Cajun Field were the polar opposite of what I think should be done.

  11. #287

    Default Re: Could the Ragin' Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

    The University of Akron and Wake Forest got it right and we should follow suit. Both facilities seat just over 30K and they produce a great game day experience. Both venues have built a seven story tower. Just what we need to block the sun. We can even add canopies on the top level for extra sun protection during the season.


    Wake Forest:

    Their tower offers a year round restaurant, and rental space for conferences, weddings and parties. That's how you make the most of your money and space.....not but adding seats in the end zones. Notice both schools have put minimal effort into their end zones.

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  12. #288

    Default Re: Could the Ragin' Cajuns be getting a new football stadium?

    Quote Originally Posted by Geaux View Post
    The University of Akron and Wake Forest got it right and we should follow suit. Both facilities seat just over 30K and they produce a great game day experience. Both venues have built a seven story tower. Just what we need to block the sun. We can even add canopies on the top level for extra sun protection during the season.


    Wake Forest:

    Their tower offers a year round restaurant, and rental space for conferences, weddings and parties. That's how you make the most of your money and space.....not but adding seats in the end zones. Notice both schools have put minimal effort into their end zones.
    Finish bowling the stadium in the NEZ to mirror the SEZ with similar concessions built on the East side and eliminate the unfinished look, tear down the upper deck and build the tower in its place with press box, suites, and all the amenities needed. That should leave us with around 35,000 seats, would allow for future expansion with an upper deck on the East side, and give our stadium a finished, big-time look that we need to compliment our other facilities. And, after tearing down the Cox building, build the Square that was initially proposed. We will have one of the finest athletic complexes in the G5 and better than some P5 schools with perhaps the least expensive approach.

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