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Thread: From "Will they even make the conference tournament?" to West Division Champs

  1. Default Re: "Will they even make the conference tournament?"

    To the "haven't done anything yet" people..
    His comment was about people saying (and no, it wasn't just a question.. people were actually SAYING they would not make the tournament) they wouldn't make the conference tournament.. Not only did they make it, they won the west. If you want to squabble over percentage points and seeding, that's on you, but YES, they did do something.. something some here were saying they wouldn't do.

  2. #50

    Default Re: BB G2 Final: Louisiana 9, ULM 6

    Quote Originally Posted by bmv90 View Post
    You have Monica and Lott lot-key calling out fans who asked whether we were going to make the tournament.

    It took a lot out of me to not remind Todd that he has struck out close to 50% oh the time.
    Yea, whatever motivates them! I don't respond,because I've never tweeted a negative comment towards any of them. That's what this board is for; venting, projecting,etc;

  3. Default Re: "Will they even make the conference tournament?"

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Not sure if you are talking to me but if we didn’t win the west we would have been the 6 seed possibly where does that put you? For a guy who logged 4 innings this season he could have put positive attention on his teammates instead...but that wouldn’t have gotten him any personal attention.
    I can promise you the majority of the clubhouse loved the tweet.
    If he was hearing it, everyone was hearing it.

  4. #52

    Default Re: "Will they even make the conference tournament?"

    It’s called motivation.

  5. Default Re: "Will they even make the conference tournament?"

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    This team didn’t win a series until April and had a team batting average of .100 and sitting in 9th place...I’d be much more impressed if handsome would have taunted the fans then. Congrats on winning the west, i.e. 5th place. We have seen a team not make our own tourney after going to the CWS the year before...not sure why a team coming off a non post season year and started the way they did is not capable of missing the tourney. It wasn’t some obsurd thought. Don’t think it shows fight, their “leader” is immature. Wonder how many teams would have the kind of fan support they had all year playing like that. Out of all the things he could have put out there he chose that...must have been working on that tweet all season long.
    It was an absurd thought.. Have you seen UTA, App St, Georgia St, etc etc play? There was no way we were finishing behind those teams. Just wasn't going to happen.

    Btw, I think a grown man calling a 21 year old athlete immature shows more on the grown man than the "immature leader" of a baseball team that has been _____ on by its own fans for 56 games.. Don't you?

  6. #54

    Default Re: "Will they even make the conference tournament?"

    Yep..a lot of good came out his tweet didn’t it

  7. #55

    Default Re: "Will they even make the conference tournament?"

    I thought it was possible we miss the tourney we are hosting, I made the comment here. Glad it’s turned around and that they keep getting done.

    I kind of like the firey prove people wrong attitude they’ve taken. Baseball is always so rigid with unwritten rules and such related to showboating, etc. Would I have put the tweet out as a player one Robe’s team? Probably not, but, I like the show of passion especially from the injured veteran. Hopefully they channel all that next weekend and win the tournament at home.

  8. Default Re: "Will they even make the conference tournament?"

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Yep..a lot of good came out his tweet didn’t it
    A lot of yellow bellies sure did....

  9. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    It was an absurd thought.. Have you seen UTA, App St, Georgia St, etc etc play? There was no way we were finishing behind those teams. Just wasn't going to happen.

    Btw, I think a grown man calling a 21 year old athlete immature shows more on the grown man than the "immature leader" of a baseball team that has been _____ on by its own fans for 56 games.. Don't you?
    Like a grown man who tweets at 21 year olds?? For a guy who sat in the dugout all year and is supposedly a team leader he had a million other things he could have said...but then again if he said “congrats to my teammates, we never doubted ourselves” wouldn’t have people talking about handsome Monica.

  10. #58

    Default Re: "Will they even make the conference tournament?"

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin4U View Post
    If you are one that said "Are they even going to make the conference tournament?” then this tweet is for you. If you are big enough to post it to RP, you should be big enough to take it when someone points it out. I see the guy standing up for his teammates. Geaux Handy
    Whatever motivates them! I don't take it personally because of what was stated here on the fan board. This is a fan board, parents and athletes should not read it. Now if someone is out tweeting back to athletes negative comments, well you should have expected this was going to come eventually.

  11. Default Re: "Will they even make the conference tournament?"

    Btw, his message didn't say "HEY CAJUN FANS..."
    The message encompassed all people saying they wouldn't make the conference tournament.

  12. Default Re: "Will they even make the conference tournament?"

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Like a grown man who tweets at 21 year olds?? For a guy who sat in the dugout all year and is supposedly a team leader he had a million other things he could have said...but then again if he said "congrats to my teammates, we never doubted ourselves" wouldn't have people talking about handsome Monica.
    Oh ok, now he's a "me guy" looking for people to be talking about him....

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