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Thread: Splitting College Basketball into DI & DII

  1. #1

    UL Basketball Splitting College Basketball into DI & DII

    "We ought to do what football does and go to a Division I-A and I-AA," Huggins said, according to the Times West Virginian.

    Huggins says cutting the number of team's in the sport's premier level would force schools to make a decision about their dedication to a basketball program.

    "That's what they have to do in football. You have to make a commitment to have a football program," he told the American Chronicle. "It's attendance and facilities and so forth. If we did that, instead of having 347 teams, we'd maybe have 110 or 150. It makes it so much more manageable, but you could still play those people like football does, but they just can't be in your tournament."

    If that were to occur, then Huggins said he could see the tournament expanding, perhaps to include every team in his proposed 'Division I-A.'

    "That would make a heck of a tournament," he said.

    Huggins also took the chance to take a shot at the NCAA, saying the organization and the leagues keep all the money earned -- leaving very little for the schools who are trying to tighten budgets as it is.

    "The next thing is, the presidents need to get their head out of their (expletive) and figure out the NCAA is keeping all their money," Huggins said Saturday before his team's win over Seton Hall. "Between the NCAA and the conferences, they're keeping all the money. You have all these presidents concerned about budgets, meantime they let two organizations steal all their money."

    Interesting idea, what do you guys think??

  2. #2

    Default Re: Splitting College Basketball into DI & DII

    Huggins is a moron. College athletics isn't supposed to be about a BCS and screw everyone else mentality. The NCAA tournament represents about the only thing the NCAA gets right. Take out the play in game and now we're talking.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Splitting College Basketball into DI & DII

    Quote Originally Posted by jllanclos View Post
    _ Huggins is a moron. College athletics isn't supposed to be about a BCS and screw everyone else mentality. The NCAA tournament represents about the only thing the NCAA gets right. Take out the play in game and now we're talking. _

    I think his idea has some merit. I don't think this is like football and about the BCS vs. everyone else. This is about all 1A conferences being on equal footing in a 1A NCAA tournament as they are now. Conferences that are 1AA would have their own NCAA basketball tournament. It makes sense. They have a separate championship in football, why not in basketball, where they have a better chance of competing and claiming a national championship. They have no chance now.

    I wish it would be like that for football and get rid of the BCS. If a conference is 1A it is 1A and should be able to compete for the national championship. Maybe one day in my life time. Until then, fix basketball and then let football follow suit.

    However, the only pro

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