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Thread: Marlin's Record

  1. #121

    Default Re: Marlin's Record

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    I would challenge that statement from the standpoint that the Cajuns were OK on the road against conference teams the last few seasons. They have struggled on the road in non conference other than against SLC schools. You may be dismissing those games as opponents were not of the highest quality.
    I give Marlin credit for rarely losing to really bad teams. By the same token, he rarely beats really good teams, and is 44-54 against RPI 101-200.

  2. #122

    Default Re: Marlin's Record

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    Agree next season will be telling as to where the program stands long term.
    I think we all agree on that, Mike.

  3. #123

    Default Re: Marlin's Record

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    I will await his or her response. I look forward to a well laid out counter argument with factual information to back it up.
    Here's all the facts you need.

    In the past VO has pointed at Louisiana Tech. He has stated their seasonal success with trips to the NIT were better than the NCAA tournament berth we got in 2014.

    Well, this year we won the ____ing league. Outright. By four games. Which got us a guaranteed NIT berth.

    But now it's all about Marlin's overall record against RPI teams.

    VO has consistently tried to diminish anything and everything Marlin has done. If we had great success the first three years he'd be talking about the last five.

    We've averaged 22 wins over the last five so he's using all eight years to prove his point.

    I think it's pretty transparent. And not just to me.

  4. #124

    Default Re: Marlin's Record

    In the college basketball world we live in, we are at the point where it’s “win the conference tournament” or go home/to the NIT. That’s just the symptom of our terrible conference. Now moving forward, there’s no doubt that we will have to make more than one tournament appearance in the next 8 years to change some people’s minds.

    What I don’t want is the whole “look where we were before” attitude because it then turns into complacency. We saw the same mindset within our fan base with Bustle.

  5. #125

    Default Re: Marlin's Record

    Congrats to Coach Marlin for being selected District Coach of the Year by his peers. If I am not mistaken, this District encompasses Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana. Kind of a big deal.

  6. #126

    Default Re: Marlin's Record

    Quote Originally Posted by talktomewillis View Post
    Here's all the facts you need.

    In the past VO has pointed at Louisiana Tech. He has stated their seasonal success with trips to the NIT were better than the NCAA tournament berth we got in 2014.

    Well, this year we won the ____ing league. Outright. By four games. Which got us a guaranteed NIT berth.

    But now it's all about Marlin's overall record against RPI teams.

    VO has consistently tried to diminish anything and everything Marlin has done. If we had great success the first three years he'd be talking about the last five.

    We've averaged 22 wins over the last five so he's using all eight years to prove his point.

    I think it's pretty transparent. And not just to me.
    I will be happy to drop the first 3 years and use just the last 5. Will take me a little while, but that is no problem. I will tell you now that the last 5 includes the only two years we have had a winning record vs RPI 101-200, so the numbers will look a little better.

  7. #127

    Default Re: Marlin's Record

    Quote Originally Posted by talktomewillis View Post
    Here's all the facts you need.

    In the past VO has pointed at Louisiana Tech. He has stated their seasonal success with trips to the NIT were better than the NCAA tournament berth we got in 2014.

    I didn't know we were keeping a score card about what he stated in the past. For the purposes of debate, let's focus on what he posted in this thread. Is it accurate or not?

    Well, this year we won the ____ing league. Outright. By four games. Which got us a guaranteed NIT berth.

    Yes, we won the outright league title. That is factually correct and good for the program.

    But now it's all about Marlin's overall record against RPI teams.

    As I recall, his statements when it comes to scheduling and overall record have always been about #SOS and RPI. So I will ask again, whether or not he included Tech in his past post, are you suggesting that his stats breakdown of Coach Marlins entire record against 1-50, 50-100, 100-150, 150-200 RPI is inaccurate?

    VO has consistently tried to diminish anything and everything Marlin has done. If we had great success the first three years he'd be talking about the last five.

    And yet, aren't you doing the same and carving out the last five years? His record, is his record
    during his tenure here at UL period. If you are saying it has been much better over the last five season, then I can agree with your statement. But does that dismiss Coach Marlin's record against Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 teams?

    We've averaged 22 wins over the last five so he's using all eight years to prove his point.

    Yes, and is it not factual he has been head coach for eight years? So why would he not include his entire career record at UL, makes no sense unless you are guilty of what you have accused him of, carving out five seasons of his record to make your point.

    I think it's pretty transparent. And not just to me.

    I think what is transparent is you have your own personal ax to grind with VO, because he doesn't agree with your view that Coach Marlin's record is great here at UL and that he has played a poor #SOS and his RPI hasn't been great unless you actually look the rolling RPI of the last three seasons. He has backed his statements with statistical proof and without personal expletives toward Coach Marlin or you.

  8. #128

    Default Re: Marlin's Record

    Quote Originally Posted by UncleCajun View Post
    Congrats to Coach Marlin for being selected District Coach of the Year by his peers. If I am not mistaken, this District encompasses Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana. Kind of a big deal.
    Yes, and he should be congratulated for this season!

  9. #129

    Default Re: Marlin's Record

    Is winning the regular season SBC title and not going to the Tourney and no major wins acceptable?

    If yes, for how long? OR, will he get extensions forever and we'll just have to live with it?

  10. #130

    Default Re: Marlin's Record


    Well stated, CajunNation

  11. #131


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    Is winning the regular season SBC title and not going to the Tourney and no major wins acceptable?

    If yes, for how long? OR, will he get extensions forever and we'll just have to live with it?
    Don’t think he is getting an extension now. That will likely be discussed after next season. Unfortunate the health situation prevented us from being at our best at tournament time. That tells me our depth was not nearly as strong as we originally believed. More talent must be brought in to progress. Personally I think as long as they consistently finish in the top third of the league he will keep his job and fans will have to learn to live with that.

  12. Default Re: Marlin's Record

    Judge the overall trajectory not the tragicomical over all.

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