Water levels in the basin are higher compared to 2011 when we were mostly dry. Flooding potential could depend on how many gates are opened at Morganza. They'll open up slowly. Still bad news for property owners, inside the spillway levees anyway you look.
The barge will be in a channel that connects to the main channel of the Achfalalaya. As the water in the Atchfalaya rises it would back up(back water flooding) into the connecting channel if the barge wouldn't be there to block it. A crude valve. As long as the top of the barge is above water they can refloat it by pumping the water out.
If it rains hard enough the area upstream of the barge may flood. If the barge is not put in the channel the area upstream WILL FLOOD.
Local governments dealing with shortages of money are sometimes pretty good at coming up with cost effective solutions. Centralized governments that own the printing press? Not so much.
Sorry to take off topic.
Watching with great interest and with a sideways eye towards upcoming tropical season...may be a hell of a ride...
Looks like Morganza will be opened the first few days in June. Water is already high in the basin so it could be worse than in 2011. We shall see.
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