To add info
Predictions (see post 369 for link to predictions) are that we will see a slow fall starting in the next few days. A steady slow fall is better than a fast drastic fall. Less chance of saturated levee slopes sloughing off.
Failures are unpredictable and sometimes aren't related to saturation from high river water on the slopes as much as saturation from high, sustained rainfall, or even just poor foundation conditions. It's my understanding there is a failure on the West Atchafalaya Basin Protection Levee (WABPL) (call it the Henderson Levee for easy descriptive purpose) north of I 10. Not much water if any against the flood side of the levee in that area.
Here's Johnny!
June 1st...
I thought this was already decided. Also can someone shed light on the barge sinking part?
......So that looks like tropical torment moving up the Mississippi River which was mentioned as the final dot in the flooding sentence......Rob the weather dude said because of El Niño the wind shear is more and this causes less hurricanes but a quicker strengthening of systems ....last year the Florida hit developed into a cat 5 in 3 days....So what does this data mean???
The Corps of Engineers saying possibly opening Morganza spillway by June 2nd. No formal decision yet.
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