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Thread: 2019 Mississippi River

  1. #577

    Default Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun90 View Post
    At one point during Andrew I was trying to look out one of the windows and actually felt the window bow. Decided then it was time to go find a safer location. And the house was certainly rocking.
    And the house we were in was about 100 years old and made of all the wood in the world. We were scared ____less when you could SEE the walls shaking. Moved to the innermost room and wore out the prayers.

  2. #578

    Default Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlieK View Post
    And the house we were in was about 100 years old and made of all the wood in the world. We were scared ____less when you could SEE the walls shaking. Moved to the innermost room and wore out the prayers.
    For Hurricane Audrey, my dad and his entire family were in his grandparents home in Prairie Gregg, the marsh south of Erath and Delcambre. The women of the family prayed the Rosary until the storm passed. He always told me that he didn't know what scared him more, the house groaning from the winds or the women praying louder and louder as the storm would get louder.

    That house didn't make it through Rita. Storm surge cut it in half.

  3. #579

    Default Re: Side effects

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun90 View Post
    OHC.... Oceanic heat content. See below link for that. Hard to measure near shore but the GOM in general is above average for this time of year.

    As for the Weather Channel....they got a product to sale.

    NHC forecast has been very good so far. Trust those guys or check out That site is run by Levi Cowan who is a Phd candidate at FSU. Kid has been studying atmospheric science since he could walk and is extremely good at what he does. Hasn't even finished school and veteran forecasters look to him all the time for analysis.
    Thanks for the tidbit! Kid is good. A refreshingly nice and calm approach to his analysis.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun90 View Post
    OHC.... Oceanic heat content. See below link for that. Hard to measure near shore but the GOM in general is above average for this time of year.

    As for the Weather Channel....they got a product to sale.

    NHC forecast has been very good so far. Trust those guys or check out That site is run by Levi Cowan who is a Phd candidate at FSU. Kid has been studying atmospheric science since he could walk and is extremely good at what he does. Hasn't even finished school and veteran forecasters look to him all the time for analysis.
    The FSU hurricane model site is excellent. If you're into different models and parameters, this is your site.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    I’m from the berry too, we would take people in vans to go get ice. Remember it very well and agreed, won’t ever stay through one like that again and this isn’t it. The media crying wolf for every single storm is what puts people in danger bc when they really should leave they don’t.
    Still have family down there. Went down a few days after Andrew to help once they got home. The gauntlet of debris along the Loreauville Road was absolutely stunning. Parent’s acre lot on bayou, almost 100 yards of yard waste. At least it was drier than some other storms we’ve seen.

  6. #582

    Default Re: Side effects

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlieK View Post
    Wait, what? This thing formed essentially right where you are claiming these icy cold waters are, and thus far the predictions have been spot on. They are possibly overstating the rain numbers but I would think they would always err on the safe side there.

    Now some people's over reaction to all this is another story. You would think a group of people who have been through big storms would know better.
    No it didn't. It started off the coast of Apalachicola, Florida. Get a map before you start deriding me again genius. And were the predictions spot on? Did you get 15" of rain? You can call it a hurricane, but the fact is it struggled to achieve tropical storm status. There was a reason the center of circulation never closed. And that reason my friend is God & cold water coming out of the Bonnie Carre spillway, The Mississippi river, & the the Atchafalaya basin with a little help form God's hot breath & a LOT of prayers from people who aren't as smart as you are. But they trump your worthless behind when it comes to faith. Heave nice day.

  7. #583

    Default Re: Side effects

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlieK View Post
    Wait, what? This thing formed essentially right where you are claiming these icy cold waters are, and thus far the predictions have been spot on. They are possibly overstating the rain numbers but I would think they would always err on the safe side there.

    Now some people's over reaction to all this is another story. You would think a group of people who have been through big storms would know better.
    One more thing Mr. smart ___, go back & take time to study the radar as it actually happened. Then A- tell everyone how spot on the models & future radar were when it cam to predicting rain & wind versus actual occurrence. Then study the radar & riddle me how every time a heavy rain band came over the flow path of the spillway, the Mississippi, or the Atchafalaya, said rain band died as soon as it hit close to the coast you freaking worthless know it all.

  8. #584

    Default Re: Side effects

    I respect Science. But I have absolute faith in God. And I believed God wouldn't punish the people of Louisiana by allowing this storm to hurt us again like the rains of 2016. The difference between God & science is science is not absolute. It is hopefully always evolving in the continuation of it's knowledge & understanding of occurrences. Whereas God has all knowledge & understanding of all things & makes occurrences happen, or allows them to happen for a reason. Science is the study of understanding how he makes & allows those things to happen & hopefully the reason for why they occurred to begin with. I thank God that for whatever reason while he allowed this occurrence to happen, he placed his hand of protection on the people of our state & did not allow it to become an event that devastated us so soon after the last devastation we faced.

  9. Default Re: Side effects

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    One more thing Mr. smart ___, go back & take time to study the radar as it actually happened. Then A- tell everyone how spot on the models & future radar were when it cam to predicting rain & wind versus actual occurrence. Then study the radar & riddle me how every time a heavy rain band came over the flow path of the spillway, the Mississippi, or the Atchafalaya, said rain band died as soon as it hit close to the coast you freaking worthless know it all.
    .....You had mentioned the cold water coming down from the North and effecting the system......I thought I heard the guy in Morg City say there were ice chunks in the att river....can this be possible?

  10. #586


    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    No it didn't. It started off the coast of Apalachicola, Florida. Get a map before you start deriding me again genius. And were the predictions spot on? Did you get 15" of rain? You can call it a hurricane, but the fact is it struggled to achieve tropical storm status. There was a reason the center of circulation never closed. And that reason my friend is God & cold water coming out of the Bonnie Carre spillway, The Mississippi river, & the the Atchafalaya basin with a little help form God's hot breath & a LOT of prayers from people who aren't as smart as you are. But they trump your worthless behind when it comes to faith. Heave nice day.
    Where was it when it officially became a named storm? That's right, Magellan, right where you say all this cold water is. Before that it was just a low, that started north of Atlanta.

    A week ago they correctly predicted the development of this unusual storm. By two days ago they had the track relatively correct. They were correct about it briefly hitting cat 1 stage. They never made absolute predictions about rain accumulations, they only gave us the many varying models available. Hopefully the most extreme models are incorrect, and the dry air being pulled in continues to help keep the rain totals down. They have been giving out as much information as possible hoping to avoid a surprise like 2016.

    We have received 4” this far, and it’s raining hard now.

    Your cold water nonsense is just that, nonsense.

  11. Default Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019

    Man, we need some sunshine around here. Let me pump a little on this glorious morning.

    Be it the spring floods, 2016, Barry, or whatever, HE NEVER gives us more than we can handle. And however these situations arise, it is HIS will being done.

    Be thankful this Sunday morning for the dry air that has made this a prolonged rain event. Kept the low pressure from organizing with the rain and feeding the storm, which possibly been more dire.

    As far as God's timing and not let things happen again, don't think it can't happen. Puerto Rico, USVI and other islands got two cat 4 - 5 storms 11 days apart in '17. USVI went 25 years without a major hit until then.

    And we did flood in '16. And we were and are blessed. It's all perspective.

  12. Default Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019

    My 3 favorite reads in times like these.

    James 1:13_God didn't cause this.
    Ecclesiastes 9:11 Stuff happens
    Ecclesiastes 7:12 Think things through, protect yourself. It's a God given ability.


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