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Thread: 2019 Mississippi River

  1. #301

    Default Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019

    why not they have already killed all of the oysters in Mississippi, run off all of the fish, killed herds of dolphin and sea turtle, whats a little bit more fresh water  ed on Mississippi so that Louisiana can protect its fisheries.

  2. #302

    Default Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019

    They do have the Caernarvon and Davis Pond Diversions at about mile 84 of the Mississippi river but it flows less than 1000 cfs. A drop in the bucket. From what I understand, the oyster fishermen protested and they cut back on the flow. They could be building much more land than they are now but they have to "Study" it some more.

    There is a connection to the river with an outfall just east of St. Charles that would provide plenty of fresh water and sediments to the area immediately south of New Orleans. Google Earth images show lots of sediment entering that area. I don't know what the name of that facility is. Maybe Mahtoo can shed some light.

  3. Default Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019

    Mississippi River flood barrier breaks in Davenport, Iowa.

  4. #304

    Default Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019

    Mississippi river hits record high levels in Des Moines Iowa

  5. Default Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019

    Quote Originally Posted by HelmutVII View Post
    Mississippi river hits record high levels in Des Moines Iowa
    .....will they open spillways again....are we in trouble yet???

  6. #306

    Default Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019

    Bonnet Carre probably Morganza maybe - maybe not. We will be in trouble if a levee breaks.

  7. Default Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019

    Quote Originally Posted by HelmutVII View Post
    Bonnet Carre probably Morganza maybe - maybe not. We will be in trouble if a levee breaks.
    ....Thanks again from the interested that haven’t got a clue!

  8. #308

    Default Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019

    Quote Originally Posted by HelmutVII View Post
    They do have the Caernarvon and Davis Pond Diversions at about mile 84 of the Mississippi river but it flows less than 1000 cfs. A drop in the bucket. From what I understand, the oyster fishermen protested and they cut back on the flow. They could be building much more land than they are now but they have to "Study" it some more.

    There is a connection to the river with an outfall just east of St. Charles that would provide plenty of fresh water and sediments to the area immediately south of New Orleans. Google Earth images show lots of sediment entering that area. I don't know what the name of that facility is. Maybe Mahtoo can shed some light.
    I'm not familiar with facilities in the New Orleans area. Will ask around. You are correct with the drop in the bucket comment with regards to flood relief.

  9. #309

    Default Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019

    Quote Originally Posted by HelmutVII View Post
    Bonnet Carre probably Morganza maybe - maybe not. We will be in trouble if a levee breaks.
    Agree. If I were a betting man I would have wagered that Morganza Floodway would have been used again this year. As you say it still may be but it's too early to say for sure. Continued rains in the Midwest and upper Miss Valley along with the ice/snow melt to come are major concerns. Not looking good.

    In 2011, 17 of the 125 gates on the Morganza structure were opened. Don't remember how long they remained open. Water diverted into the Morganza floodway did not rise to the levels initially estimated, partly because of the drought conditions we were in at the time. We are certainly not in drought conditions today. Locally, the highest Atchafalaya stage at Butte LaRose in 2011 after the opening of Morganza was approximately 22.7...if my memory is correct. The reading at Butte LaRose this morning was 19.1. If Morganza is opened, I would expect river stages in the Atchafalaya to exceed those of 2011. Anyone with homes, camps, etc in the Butte LaRose area would have reason to be concerned.

    People, businesses, etc with homes/properties in the floodways are sent letters annually informing them of the possibility that the floodways may be utilized. At least that was the case in years past. I would be surprised if that practice has changed.

    Above comments are my opinions. I don't speak for the Corps or anyone else.

    And with regards to being in trouble if a levee breaks, the loss of life and property damage would be unimaginable, depending of course on the location of the break and when a break may occur.

  10. #310
    Ragin4U's Avatar Ragin4U is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019

    Davenport, IA Levee Failure

  11. #311

    Default Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019

    Quote Originally Posted by mahtoo View Post
    Agree. If I were a betting man I would have wagered that Morganza Floodway would have been used again this year. As you say it still may be but it's too early to say for sure. Continued rains in the Midwest and upper Miss Valley along with the ice/snow melt to come are major concerns. Not looking good.

    In 2011, 17 of the 125 gates on the Morganza structure were opened. Don't remember how long they remained open. Water diverted into the Morganza floodway did not rise to the levels initially estimated, partly because of the drought conditions we were in at the time. We are certainly not in drought conditions today. Locally, the highest Atchafalaya stage at Butte LaRose in 2011 after the opening of Morganza was approximately 22.7...if my memory is correct. The reading at Butte LaRose this morning was 19.1. If Morganza is opened, I would expect river stages in the Atchafalaya to exceed those of 2011. Anyone with homes, camps, etc in the Butte LaRose area would have reason to be concerned.

    People, businesses, etc with homes/properties in the floodways are sent letters annually informing them of the possibility that the floodways may be utilized. At least that was the case in years past. I would be surprised if that practice has changed.

    Above comments are my opinions. I don't speak for the Corps or anyone else.

    And with regards to being in trouble if a levee breaks, the loss of life and property damage would be unimaginable, depending of course on the location of the break and when a break may occur.
    I guess if we had to pick a spot for the levee to fail it would be on the West bank just east of St. charles across from St. Rose Not too many people there and a direct shot to the Gulf through lake Salvador and Little Lake. Oyster fisher men wouldn't be happy though it would build some land.

  12. #312

    Default Re: OT: Mississippi River Aquapocalypse 2019

    Mississippi river going up and predicted to go higher upstream and downstream of the ORCS.

    At Vicksburg

    At red river landing

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