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Thread: Sunbelt/ESPN deal

  1. #25

    Default Re: Sunbelt/ESPN deal

    Quote Originally Posted by GeauxLouisiana View Post
    So basically, don't eat at a fast food chain for 1 meal every month and you've got it covered. Peanuts in cost, especially if each school gets a bump in payout from ESPN.

    I cut my cable bill by $100 last year by going to Playstation Vue and still get ESPN.
    Well, many of us are not gamers. But I have no intention of increasing my Cable package, I'm paying too much now.

  2. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by VObserver View Post
    But our cost just went up $5/mo. And that, no doubt will be on top of the existing requirement that espn3 has that you have the entire range of espn networks in your cable package.
    You will not have to pay an extra $5 per month for the service if you already pay for ESPN with your current package. Just like now, you will be able to sign in using your current cable provider. A lot of viewers are moving away from cable services and have decided to make their own “package” that consists of apps that are used on smart TVs, phones, tablets, etc. These people will now have the ability to pay for ESPN and watch content for $5 per month. Much like HBO,which you can pay for as a stand alone service and watch their content without a cable provider.

  3. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Well, many of us are not gamers. But I have no intention of increasing my Cable package, I'm paying too much now.
    T its not a gaming thing. Playstation Vue is streaming cable subscription.

    I have directvnow for only $35/month

  4. #28

    Default Re: Sunbelt/ESPN deal

    Will this new deal mean that all of our games will only be available through the internet?

  5. #29

    Default Re: Sunbelt/ESPN deal

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Well, many of us are not gamers. But I have no intention of increasing my Cable package, I'm paying too much now.
    Then you need to dump cable and go to a cable replacement service, like Sling, Playstation Vue, Hulu Live. I should have done this years ago.

  6. #30

    Default Re: Sunbelt/ESPN deal

    Quote Originally Posted by GeauxLouisiana View Post
    Then you need to dump cable and go to a cable replacement service, like Sling, Playstation Vue, Hulu Live. I should have done this years ago.
    Unless you're like me with crappy DSL service.

  7. #31

    Default Re: Sunbelt/ESPN deal

    How about we wait until the details are released before we jump off the ledge.

    I'm hearing the $5 a month for ESPN+ will cover a TON more content than just the Sun Belt. Most of the ESPN3 content will be going to ESPN+ over a period of time.

    And, it's not pay per view. Think Netflix except for sports.

  8. #32

    Default Re: Sunbelt/ESPN deal

    Quote Originally Posted by Hudsheen#Fired View Post
    T its not a gaming thing. Playstation Vue is streaming cable subscription.

    I have directvnow for only $35/month
    I've looked at Direct TV package offer, had them in the past. Once you purchase NFL Game Day Pass and MLB, you are right back close to what I pay for Cox. Most of the extra channels you get with Direct TV are garbage. I watch Sports, some News and movies sometimes.

  9. #33

    Default Re: Sunbelt/ESPN deal

  10. #34

    Default Re: Sunbelt/ESPN deal

    Quote Originally Posted by talktomewillis View Post
    How about we wait until the details are released before we jump off the ledge.

    I'm hearing the $5 a month for ESPN+ will cover a TON more content than just the Sun Belt. Most of the ESPN3 content will be going to ESPN+ over a period of time.

    And, it's not pay per view. Think Netflix except for sports.
    You are paying an additional charge above your current package, it you don't have it. It's a monthly streaming fee, call it what you want. I get it, it brings in more revenue to the SBC and it's current members. For that reason, it makes sense to do it.

  11. #35

    Default Re: Sunbelt/ESPN deal

    King karl never posted the $$$ amount for the deal .. Means we got fleeced

  12. #36

    Default Re: Sunbelt/ESPN deal

    It also means it's more than worth five bucks a month to have every football, men's and women's basketball game available. It also is going to mean baseball and softball will get more exposure.

    Regardless of the money per member school, this is pretty big news.

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