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Thread: 2003 Predict the Yardage

  1. #169

    UL Football Louisiana vs ULm

    Louisiana vs ULm

    UL RUSH 220
    UL PASS 185
    Lm rush 175
    Lm pass 155

  2. #170


    UL Pass: 210
    UL Rush: 110

    ULM Pass: 185
    ULM Rush: 110

  3. #171


    UL Rush 85 yards
    UL Pass 220 yards

    Monroe rush 100 yards
    Monroe pass 170 yards

  4. #172

    Default Re: PREDICT theYARDAGE UL vs ULm (Results of OSU game)

    Cajuns rush; 136
    cajuns pass: 267
    injuns rush ; 96
    injuns pass; 132

  5. UL Football

    UL Rush 141
    UL Pass 190

    ULm Rush 177
    ULm Pass 209

    I'm still in 7th. Missing a game really hurts. I need to nail one game for about 300 pts. Good luck! Keep up the GREAT job LATIVANCAJUN.

    Cajuns get out gained but still win!! 24 - 20

  6. #174


    I used my LatvianCajun-strategy last game. I pretty much mirrored his predictions. How the #$%^ I came In 6 places behind him for the week. I don’t know.

  7. #175

    UL Football

    UL Pass 235
    UL Rush 125
    ULM Pass 190
    ULM Rush 105

  8. Default

    Originally posted by RaginRash
    I used my LatvianCajun-strategy last game. I pretty much mirrored his predictions. How the #$%^ I came In 6 places behind him for the week. I don’t know.
    Hmm you got me wondering now. The week before you beat LatvianCajun by 10. Lets see, this week you actually came in 10 spots behind LativanCajun this week. But only by 34 points (131 to 97) out the potential 400.

    AG- UL Run 72, UL Pass 275, OSU Run 303, OSU Pass 169
    LC- UL Run 110, UL Pass 130, OSU Run 180, OSU Pass 200
    RR- UL Rush 50, UL Pass 165, OSU Run 175, OSU Pass 250
    GD- UL Rush 60, UL Pass 35, OSU Run 5, OSU Pass 41

    AG=actual game LC=LatvianCajun RR=RAGINRASH GD=game difference
    It looks like the only thing you mirrored LC on was the OSU rushing where neither one of you scored (both off by more than 100)
  9. RR outscored LC 78 to 62 on UL rushing but from oppsite ends of the spetrum, as LC went over the actual game and RR went under.
  10. RR UL passing guess was 35 points different than LC but neither scored.
  11. RR OSU passing was 50 points different where LC came in 2nd and you came in 12th.

    I don't know? You must have mirrored someone else, to bad it wasn't Turner.

  12. #177

    UL Football

    Louisiana run 145
    Louisiana pass 245

    La-Monroe run 95
    La-Monroe pass 210

  13. #178

    UL Football yardage

    UL - rush 110
    UL - pass 220

    ULM rush - 220
    ULM pass - 310

    Please, God, prove me wrong.

  14. #179


    UL RUSH 152
    UL PASS 303
    Lm rush 174
    Lm pass 255

  15. #180


    Originally posted by Turbine

    I don't know? You must have mirrored someone else, to bad it wasn't Turner.
    TRUE, DAT!!

    Thanks for the analysis. I knew I was missing something.

    UL Rush 175
    UL Pass 225

    ULm Rush 177
    ULm Pass 209

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