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Thread: At 19-3, Cajuns are starting to turn some heads

  1. UL Basketball At 19-3, Cajuns are starting to turn some heads

    The UL basketball team has been enjoying its fair share of good times lately, and senior guard Johnathan Stove has noticed the response to it, even when he’s out and about in town.

    Like when he’s in a store, for instance, and feels a pat on the back — which has happened more and more frequently with fans lately.

  2. #2

    Default Re: At 19-3, Cajuns are starting to turn some heads

    "They received two points in the newest USA TODAY Top 25 Coaches poll, and when the rankings were updated Monday, only 37 teams nationally had received two votes or more.
    They have an RPI rating — critical as at-large NCAA Tournament contenders are weighed — of 55, up from 58 previously."

  3. #3

    Default Re: At 19-3, Cajuns are starting to turn some heads

    "Even CBS Sports included the Cajuns on a graphic of four teams — along with Purdue, Arizona and Auburn — deserving of some “luv” during its college basketball coverage last Saturday."
    Good pub!

  4. #4

    Default Re: At 19-3, Cajuns are starting to turn some heads

    All of the next three road games, beginning with ULM on Saturday (2PM start?)
    are "scheduled" to be on ESPN3.
    We'll see.

  5. #5

    Default Re: At 19-3, Cajuns are starting to turn some heads

    Nice to see the team get some national recognition and good that players are getting congratulated by fellow students on campus. I trust these seniors won't let this go to their heads and will continue to focus on game by game preparation. However, I still don't think the team is getting appropriate local recognition. I don't think people understand how hard it is to be 19 and 3 regardless of your schedule. I think every establishment in the area that has a billboard should be congratulating the Cajuns. That would be a nice start. I guess today few pay attention how well you do unless you knock off a big name or have success in the NCAA tournament.

  6. #6

    Default Re: At 19-3, Cajuns are starting to turn some heads

    I am absolutely not worried about anything "going to their heads."

    Not going to happen.

  7. Default Re: At 19-3, Cajuns are starting to turn some heads

    I’m getting those vibes as well. This team is locked into creating the best record in Louisiana history. I doubt egos are going to derail that.

  8. #8

    Default Re: At 19-3, Cajuns are starting to turn some heads

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    Nice to see the team get some national recognition and good that players are getting congratulated by fellow students on campus. I trust these seniors won't let this go to their heads and will continue to focus on game by game preparation. However, I still don't think the team is getting appropriate local recognition. I don't think people understand how hard it is to be 19 and 3 regardless of your schedule. I think every establishment in the area that has a billboard should be congratulating the Cajuns. That would be a nice start. I guess today few pay attention how well you do unless you knock off a big name or have success in the NCAA tournament.
    Mike, I agree. As a basketball fan it does bum me out a bit to see that our program seems to play second fiddle to not only football but baseball. I know that we have a larger attendance for basketball but it just seems that people wait through basketball season to get to baseball. I think the area in general cares more about baseball and it drives me nuts. For a comparable example, just look at the home page here and note the number of baseball/softball threads going compared to basketball and its still in the heart of basketball season. Nonetheless, this team does deserve more recognition and I hope they continue to put a special season together. As cajun fans, how often do we get to see that anyhow?

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    Mike, I agree. As a basketball fan it does bum me out a bit to see that our program seems to play second fiddle to not only football but baseball. I know that we have a larger attendance for basketball but it just seems that people wait through basketball season to get to baseball. I think the area in general cares more about baseball and it drives me nuts. For a comparable example, just look at the home page here and note the number of baseball/softball threads going compared to basketball and its still in the heart of basketball season. Nonetheless, this team does deserve more recognition and I hope they continue to put a special season together. As cajun fans, how often do we get to see that anyhow?
    That's because baseball semi-regularly competes for a national championship.

  10. #10

    Default Re: At 19-3, Cajuns are starting to turn some heads

    Quote Originally Posted by jllanclos View Post
    That's because baseball semi-regularly competes for a national championship.
    I agree with that statement. Also, baseball has been a consistent winner over many years. Basketball is having an extra special season this year. If they begin to do that consistently, the support will grow. On the other hand, baseball has half the country that does not care about that sport making their task much less formidable. I have stated it before and I will repeat it here. One NCAA tournament win in basketball will bring more recognition and dollars than a national championship in either diamond sport. Reason for that is the diamond sports move the needle very little on a national basis. Don't think for one minute this post indicates I do not appreciate what the baseball program has accomplished. Now that I am in retirement mode and in town regularly, I hope to be able to attend more games this season than in the past.

  11. #11

    Default Re: At 19-3, Cajuns are starting to turn some heads

    Quote Originally Posted by IberiaCajun View Post
    "They received two points in the newest USA TODAY Top 25 Coaches poll, and when the rankings were updated Monday, only 37 teams nationally had received two votes or more.
    They have an RPI rating — critical as at-large NCAA Tournament contenders are weighed — of 55, up from 58 previously."
    Article also states that the 19 and 3 record is 8TH BEST in the nation at this time. This is significant. Again, it is nice that these accomplishments are starting to be recognized but more people locally need to be made aware of these. I know the administration is working to continually promote the program and all who participate here recognize the work these guys have put in. We can help simply by making the so-so fans aware by mentioning these in any casual conversations we may have with our friends.

  12. #12

    Default Re: At 19-3, Cajuns are starting to turn some heads

    Quote Originally Posted by IberiaCajun View Post
    All of the next three road games, beginning with ULM on Saturday (2PM start?)
    are "scheduled" to be on ESPN3.
    We'll see.
    See my UL Sports on TV calendar. It has everything listed.

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