You say you like Bob etc etc, yet you try to point out his faults at every single turn....
He didn't win enough.
Then he didn't have a good enough schedule
Then he didn't have a good enough home schedule
Now he doesn't have a good enough record against top whatever.
And, next will be we've never gotten an at large.
His success here is not a whole lot better or worse than any coach we've had since probation. Paschal had two NCAA appearances in seven years. Fletcher had two in eleven years. Evans had two in seven years, Lee had one in six.
With exception of Paschal, the others brought in undesirables.
I simply am not buying you'd love to see him succeed. You hammer him every chance you get.
You haven't realized he IS succeeding. After all, we are 25-4. And, I don't give a ____ if you're playing against air. That's a great season. Not good. Great.