There were others that just complained via email. You see if a kid wants to play football and he has a shot at D2 or D3, then whom am I to tell tell him that he is not good enough? At some point the parents have to support their kid's dream even after not getting offers from FBS or FCS progams and pursue those opportunities at D2 or D3 programs. But a number of parents get angry at you because you tell them he may have a shot at D2 or D3 and shut you down. I've been accused of lying because a UL coach told a parent his son had a shot at scholarship and ended up getting offered a PWO. He ask if I thought his son had a chance and I said yes, if not why would the coach offer? Well the PWO wasn't good enough and he ended up signing with McNeese where he never started a game. Apparently some parents don't believe in their kids enough to let them figure it out themselves or play somewhere else besides their dream program.