Next person to bring up making it as an at large needs to share their weed with us all.
No one who seriously thought there was ever anything more than a zero percent chance of us earning an at-large berth had any understanding of how things work anyway.
No one who seriously thought there was ever anything more than a zero percent chance of us earning an at-large berth had any understanding of how things work anyway.
So given those who didn’t, you’re telling me there’s a chance to fire one up....😂😂😂.
No, it was asked rhetorically and answered emphatically but never predicted.
I've seen several people on this site in recent days suggest that if we won out in the regular season but lost in the conference finals that we would receive an at large bid.
I've seen several people on this site in recent days suggest that if we won out in the regular season but lost in the conference finals that we would receive an at large bid.