I think he has a great upside considering this was his first FBS game as true freshman. That said, I hope that he can continue to develop and not get hurt as most of the quarterbacks that Hud has brought in have. I do hate that his redshirt had to be burned with half of the season in the books though. We did seemed to have a lot of young players out there last night. I hope that is a good omen for the future no matter who is the head coach.

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It's called "pocket presence" and it's something that can't be taught....I had a friend at the game who has been in football at all levels and has a large amount of experience in recruiting and scouting. He told me that this kid has "eyes in the back od his head". He also said something that unless you were at the game you did not get to see. "I love his sideline demeanor". I knew exactly what he meant. Yes, he has a long way to go. But his upside is tremendous. I