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Thread: Ugh, I mean just...UGH!!!

  1. #133

    Default Re: Ugh, I mean just...UGH!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJack55 View Post
    I don't want to play another FBS start up that's my beef with scheduling them, but maybe the presidents do not want to be associated with a school with a diploma mill whose founder blamed 9/11 on gay people and several other outlandish claims. Liberty is a disaster waiting to happen, they hire Baylor's EX AD who was forced to resign from his last job because he was involved in a conspiracy to cover up rape by his players. You keep saying it's should only be about sports, but these are first and foremost academic institutions, and rightly or wrongly the other schools in your athletics conference create associations between those schools and your own in the minds of the public, and no one in their right minds wants to have their school's reputation tied to that of Liberty's, and/or risk alumni refusing to donate or otherwise turn their backs because they don't approve of what Liberty does.
    Yes , they are currently an FBS want-a-be but only in terms of years in classification. In case you haven't noticed, the entire conference that we cohabitate are former FCS members in recent years with the exception of Arkansas State and UL. We play programs that are far worse than they are today in this conference right now, and reality is they are miles ahead of all members in this conference financially and in branding rights.

    Liberty may be all those things you point to, I don't spend large amounts of my time concerning myself with them considering they are a private institution. They are not using my tax dollars to indoctrinate, support subversive anti-constitutional thought without free dialogue and debate like many of the institutions and associations you mention without name. Have you kept track of what those institutions have done in the same areas of concern when it comes to discrimination and actually encouraging physical violence against those they disagree with?

  2. #134

    Default Re: Ugh, I mean just...UGH!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Yes , they are currently an FBS want-a-be but only in terms of years in classification. In case you haven't noticed, the entire conference that we cohabitate are former FCS members in recent years with the exception of Arkansas State and UL. We play programs that are far worse than they are today in this conference right now, and reality is they are miles ahead of all members in this conference financially and in branding rights.
    Agree 100% with this, which is why I do not want to schedule them OOC. We play enough FBS start ups.

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Liberty may be all those things you point to, I don't spend large amounts of my time concerning myself with them considering they are a private institution. They are not using my tax dollars to indoctrinate, support subversive anti-constitutional thought without free dialogue and debate like many of the institutions and associations you mention without name. Have you kept track of what those institutions have done in the same areas of concern when it comes to discrimination and actually encouraging physical violence against those they disagree with?
    I think those schools are 100% wrong with the free speech issues, but no school that the sunbelt is adding or discussing adding is having those types of issues on campus or press, which is what we are discussing.

  3. #135

    Default Re: Ugh, I mean just...UGH!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJack55 View Post
    Agree 100% with this, which is why I do not want to schedule them OOC. We play enough FBS start ups.

    I think those schools are 100% wrong with the free speech issues, but no school that the sunbelt is adding or discussing adding is having those types of issues on campus or press, which is what we are discussing.
    Okay, cool. I just don't like to get into the discussions about the sins of institutions with anyone that doesn't have the same standard across the board. And when it comes to tax dollars, I tend to hold public institutions to a higher standard for that very reason.

  4. #136


    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    Are you saying that these other "respected Christian universities" do not have... in your opinion... any "wackadoodle things" in their belief structure? I'm not a fan of the Falwell's... but we are talking about football. I could divulge even more disgusting human characteristics embedded in some of the P5 schools... relating directly to football... that we agree to play (for money mainly). But we seem to overlook those differences. If we found out that a particular university president was an outspoken atheist... would we not play that school in football, baseball, basketball?

    I can see the contempt for adding another FCS come lately to FBS in our already lackluster lineup. But I do not agree that just because Liberty has some odd views in their practice of Christianity... we take exception to challenging them in athletics.
    Yes, that’s precicely what I’m saying. Norte Dame, Tulsa, Baylor, SMU, Boston College, TCU, etc. don’t teach wackadoodle things like the universe was created 6,000 years ago. It has nothing to do with religion. If an outspoken atheist university taught things like that university presidents wouldn’t want them in their conferences either.

    Why is that so hard to understand?

  5. #137


    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    Well, they teach wacko liberal ideals at west coast colleges like Cal Berkeley and most would jump at the chance to be in a conference with them. I would personally prefer conservative values. But we are talking athletics. It shouldn't matter any more than religious beliefs taught by Baylor or Notre Dame
    Ok, I’ll bite. Can you name an example of something Cal teaches (the institution, not some stupid student organization) that is anywhere near as crazy as “the earth was created 6,000 years ago?”

  6. #138

    Default Re: Ugh, I mean just...UGH!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    Ok, I’ll bite. Can you name an example of something Cal teaches (the institution, not some stupid student organization) that is anywhere near as crazy as “the earth was created 6,000 years ago?”
    Clever tactic on your part to parse religious teachings with a public institution. I suggest to you that the University of California, Berkeley, officials across the UC system policy of encouraging faculty and students to purge mundane, potentially offensive words and phrases from their vocabularies is more of a danger upon a civil society than the wacky religious teachings of Liberty University. Can you point to one incident of violence or campus destruction on the campus of Liberty by one of their students?

  7. #139


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Clever tactic on your part to parse religious teachings with a public institution. I suggest to you that the University of California, Berkeley, officials across the UC system policy of encouraging faculty and students to purge mundane, potentially offensive words and phrases from their vocabularies is more of a danger upon a civil society than the wacky religious teachings of Liberty University. Can you point to one incident of violence or campus destruction on the campus of Liberty by one of their students?
    How many times are you going to try to move the goalposts and use whataboutism in this thread? You must have missed the course on logical fallacies when you were in college.

  8. #140

    Default Re: Ugh, I mean just...UGH!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    How many times are you going to try to move the goalposts and use whataboutism in this thread? You must have missed the course on logical fallacies when you were in college.
    Isn't that what you are doing, comparing a private religious university's teachings to a public one that gives no religious instruction? Again, which has been more dangerous to society in terms of violence and civil discussion teaching their forms of intolerance?

  9. Default Re: Ugh, I mean just...UGH!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    Yes, that’s precicely what I’m saying. Norte Dame, Tulsa, Baylor, SMU, Boston College, TCU, etc. don’t teach wackadoodle things like the universe was created 6,000 years ago. It has nothing to do with religion. If an outspoken atheist university taught things like that university presidents wouldn’t want them in their conferences either.

    Why is that so hard to understand?
    Back in "my day" (an indeterminate period of time) schools would relish the opportunity to prove their educational superiority by defeating the opponents on the field.

  10. Default Re: Ugh, I mean just...UGH!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    Ok, I'll bite. Can you name an example of something Cal teaches (the institution, not some stupid student organization) that is anywhere near as crazy as "the earth was created 6,000 years ago?"
    Problem is you have no idea what a wacko prof might be teaching at Cal Berkley. Not until some niblet leaks out. It's a free for all. Parents have no idea what their kids will come out thinking.

    I think Liberty's time frame is off by give or take a few billion years but their curriculum is easy to attack and pinpoint because of its consistency.

  11. Default Re: Ugh, I mean just...UGH!!!

    so, anyway, how about that scheduling?

  12. Default Re: Ugh, I mean just...UGH!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by PlanoCajunDad View Post
    so, anyway, how about that scheduling?
    Do not schedule Liberty until people forget they were ever FBS.

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