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Thread: Ugh, I mean just...UGH!!!

  1. #193

    Default Re: Ugh, I mean just...UGH!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    I can obviously speak for myself, thanks.

    I don't have a clue what he means by "teaching more than two genders." Biologically speaking, no matter how you want to measure gender, not everyone fits neatly into two male and female boxes. Some people have both parts down there. Some people have female parts but male levels of testosterone. Some people have "male" chromosomes and "female" chromosomes.

    So I'm honestly not sure what he means by that, because technically it is correct to say there are more than two possible genders.

    I had no idea y'all were so interested in biology.
    Sorry, Science says Sex chromosomes do not change over the course of medical transition for a transgender person. Male and Female chromosomes do not change, they will always remain the same in a human's body. If a person is born with both, you will still have a prominent chromosomes that identifies the actual sex. Changing how one identities sexually doesn't change science. So no, Science doesn't say it is technically correct to say there are more than two genders period.

    Just to be clear, Science supports man caused climate change period. No debate needed. Science supports only two sexes exist in Humans, that has never changed. I'm not sure because a person can have both.

    Okay, I got it!

  2. #194

    Default Re: Ugh, I mean just...UGH!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by bmv90 View Post
    As long as they have 11 able bodies to line up on the other side of the pig skin, I don't care what sex organs or chromosomes or gender or gender identity, etc they have or believe in. They can believe in Alla, Mohammad, Jesus, Cupid, Easter Bunny, Kermit the Frog, etc.

    Let's play football.
    But can they kneel for the National Anthem?

  3. Default Re: Ugh, I mean just...UGH!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    But can they kneel for the National Anthem?
    Every football player and fan knows you only kneel when the clock is winding down. ;:

  4. #196

    Default Re: Ugh, I mean just...UGH!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by charliek View Post
    Maybe dozens isn't right.

    From this university, found with a 5 second google search, I suppose we could extrapolate an infinite amount....considering I get to assign it to myself.
    This seems to be a paper talking about best practices when dealing with gender identity issues.

    I don't think it says anything about teaching students that there are more than two genders.

    Look, I've gone way farther with this than I ever intended to. I'm just going to say that there are a lot of people who make their living over-dramatizing stories to create controversy on cable media shows and on the internet. They have learned that stoking controversy and anger is what really drives people to watch their shows. I feel like you may have learned about this particular issue from watching one of those types of shows.

  5. #197

    Default Re: Ugh, I mean just...UGH!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Sorry, Science says Sex chromosomes do not change over the course of medical transition for a transgender person. Male and Female chromosomes do not change, they will always remain the same in a human's body. If a person is born with both, you will still have a prominent chromosomes that identifies the actual sex. Changing how one identities sexually doesn't change science. So no, Science doesn't say it is technically correct to say there are more than two genders period.

    Just to be clear, Science supports man caused climate change period. No debate needed. Science supports only two sexes exist in Humans, that has never changed. I'm not sure because a person can have both.

    Okay, I got it!
    Bless your heart.

  6. #198
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Ugh, I mean just...UGH!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin4U View Post
    Ideally, students leave school with the ability to think, not just blindly follow the pack. Ideally, they learn that others have their own ideas and they can discuss those ideas without being called libtard, GOPazi, snowflake, etc. Ideally, they leave understanding that if your argument begins with denigration, you've already lost. Ideally, they graduate equipped to make the world a better place than the one they entered, for everyone. Ideally.
    That really sounds good, 4U. Having said "Ideally..." to open every sentence (and close the post) is akin to starting a sentence with "To tell the truth..."... and we all know to be skeptical of what usually follows.

    Do I believe U.S. colleges and universities believe this is what they do... or attempt to do? Yes. But what they actually do is separate young minds from the traditional packs they were exposed to... and guide them toward packs that academia believes societal packs belong.

    That said... I have not witnessed the benefits of this process called "critical thinking". I've seen less and less of an ability in young graduates to think critically. In fact, for you to state that part of the institutional education process is to remove denigrating others, I see quite the opposite. Polarization and divisiveness are at an all time high. And it appears the incubator is the public education system. The adults in that system are responsible. You could couple that with the collapse in American family culture... but due to the fact when those facts are explored openly... academia denies it... so that ultimately makes them responsible for the entire failed status.

  7. #199

    Default Re: Ugh, I mean just...UGH!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    Bless your heart.
    Bless you as well.

    So about those wackadoodle's that don't believe in science?

  8. #200
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Ugh, I mean just...UGH!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    But can they kneel for the National Anthem?
    No! Unless they're wearing a t-shirt that says, "Jesus had a pet Triceratops". Those guys can kneel.

  9. UL Football Re: Ugh, I mean just...UGH!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by MelRock View Post
    Wrong, the softball world is different now. Without a strong conference we would be nothing. Yes lets join the Southland in other sports, not they would take us. How many softball teams make it in to the NCAA tournament, yes that would be 1.

    I noticed you ignored the fact that Notre Dame has a scheduling agreement with the ACC because it does not fit your narrative. Why would the most successful independent in the history of college football, with almost unlimited resources, need to have an agreement with the ACC to schedule football games?

    You keep up the good fight and you will be sitting in the stadium by yourself if it ever happened. I do not want to see southland conference softball, maybe baseball.

    Just curious, how many season tickets do you have for softball and baseball?
    The football agreement was a concession by Notre Dame. What it wanted was to be in the premier basketball conference, and other Olympic sports. ND agreed to invigorate thyACC football teams by agreeing to a rotating 3 game season. ND football adds seats in stadiums, TV exposure, and SOS.

    You forget, in the modern era (post Boomer)except for FSU,MIAMI, and Clemson you'd be hard pressed to find a national champion in the ACC. Maybe I recall Virginia.

  10. #202


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    But can they kneel for the National Anthem?
    I had a football coach that once said: “There’s only two things you do on your knees, and one of them is praying.”

  11. #203


    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin4U View Post
    Adding up the ages in the Bible gets you to about 6500 years. Teaching that as science IS dangerous.
    Read The Science of God written by Gerald Schroeder. He’s a MIT Astro physicist and an Orthodox Jew. He lays out aleach “day” in Genesis and perfectly aligns it with evolution and modern science.
    Amazing stuff. Falwell would not like it much.

  12. #204
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Ugh, I mean just...UGH!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Does every mixmatch abnormallity of chromosomes create a new gender?
    No... but if you wear a blindfold... it kind of makes it seem that way.

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