Right now the state of California passed a law that you could be jailed for not using a person's preferred gender pronoun. Should we avoid playing any schools from California because they are insane?
Serious question. If you determine gender by chromosomes, what gender is a person whose genetic makeup is XO, XXX, XYY or XXY?
I'm not sure about the CA law, but that sounds ridiculous. Of course there are a plethora of ridiculous laws around the country.
Since this thread is about Liberty....do you think they have a particular monopoly on preventing that from happening? There are colleges all over that can't abide having a conservative speaker on campus. Schools that have "free speech zones", as if the whole country isn't already one of those. There are many schools now where if your views don't fall in line with the current liberal dogma you are silenced. Should we not play those schools in football either? Since they don't, by any means, do what you described above. Why is Liberty's particular brand of insanity worse than these others?
Genuine question. Where does our judgment of an acceptable football opponent stop?
I can easily be swayed by the danger application, even though I don't need one to know 6,000 is inaccurate.
"Day" is an indeterminate period of time "in my day" that was so.
I have a short attention span but even a cursory reading as far as Genesis 1:2 shows that Earth was already in existence prior the epic periods.
My claim is that it is that you are suggesting we use something besides athletic standing to choose a football opponent. In this case you are suggesting that their views on creation are so out of wack that we shouldn't associate our university with the school. I'm saying that that could be applied all sorts of ways. FOR INSTANCE we could say that the University of California won't allow honest debate on campus...no football, you guys are totalitarians. Or we won't play ANY public schools from California because the state passes unconstitutional laws restricting freedom. We don't want to be associated with that.
OR we could pick our football opponents from the pool of NCAA approved member schools based on how they can help our program grow. Now on that basis, I don't particularly want to play Liberty. But to not want to play them because of some foolish theories being taught....that's a pretty slippery slope.
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