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Thread: 2017 Enrollment

  1. Default Re: Overall enrollment rises for fourth consecutive year

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_lannister View Post
    City bar is not on a waterway why would anyone want to boat through Maurice
    Overhead, like Six Flags years ago. Can't make that kind of stuff up but it's out there. Monkee saw it in some long range dream list I think the state had.

    If I remember correctly that demo is allotted 300k.

  2. Default Re: Overall enrollment rises for fourth consecutive year

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Overhead, like Six Flags years ago. Can't make that kind of stuff up but it's out there. Monkee saw it in some long range dream list I think the state had.

    If I remember correctly that demo is allotted 300k.
    ....more chatter of the Cox rising.....a money thing, with a complete press box overhaul.....this instead of the tower building!!!

  3. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    ....more chatter of the Cox rising.....a money thing, with a complete press box overhaul.....this instead of the tower building!!!
    This is disappointing if happens. What's the point of having a master plan if you don't follow it?

  4. #76


    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    ....more chatter of the Cox rising.....a money thing, with a complete press box overhaul.....this instead of the tower building!!!
    If this happens, they should rename it the Boomer building as much as he's been pushing for it

  5. Default Re: Overall enrollment rises for fourth consecutive year

    Quote Originally Posted by Localyokel View Post
    If this happens, they should rename it the Boomer building as much as he's been pushing for it
    ........Another case of reading something into a post of another......Yes we want the Cox gone and yes I was at meetings to build a just dynamic structure of a fortress building attached to the new press box.....but with the baseball stadiums situation which I don't mind going in the hole over, we now just DON'T have the bucks, but we need a new press box and an athletics building.....he'll we have RCAF across from Fatima and the athletic at LITE, and a crappy press box.....btw I am just relating what Board members have told me ......... But just wondering what your game plan would be for the situation!!!

  6. UL Football Re: Overall enrollment rises for fourth consecutive year

    Boomer, didn't we know about the baseball situation when the master plan was created? I can see, unhappily, not demolishing the Cox at once, but with football exiting do we really need to throw good money after bad? There's weight room, training facility, locker rooms, lots of coaches offices from football. Perhaps just a small makeover instead of a long term ugly bad solution.

    After all, most of baseball problems will be resolved with the imminent new locker room. JMO

  7. Default Re: Overall enrollment rises for fourth consecutive year

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Boomer, didn't we know about the baseball situation when the master plan was created? I can see, unhappily, not demolishing the Cox at once, but with football exiting do we really need to throw good money after bad? There's weight room, training facility, locker rooms, lots of coaches offices from football. Perhaps just a small makeover instead of a long term ugly bad solution.

    After all, most of baseball problems will be resolved with the imminent new locker room. JMO
    ........Well I have a bunch of I Don't the baseball situation, and how it started and commenced to what we have now with you do the Cox or as you point out, how much??? Talk it could be 3-4stories depending on what techniques can be used for foundation requirements.....I don't know construction,financing through school and private funding, or pending needs other than the obvious....what would the board do??? Help Helmut and answer some construction issues!!!

  8. Default Re: Overall enrollment rises for fourth consecutive year

    Boomer was that you about row 33-34 second seat from the isle with a big ol hat. Thinking I saw you at the half with your eyes closed, I suppose, in agony. Ida introduced myself, but didn't want you to attack me in front of the wife. LOL

  9. Default Re: Overall enrollment rises for fourth consecutive year

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Boomer was that you about row 33-34 second seat from the isle with a big ol hat. Thinking I saw you at the half with your eyes closed, I suppose, in agony. Ida introduced myself, but didn't want you to attack me in front of the wife. LOL
    Eyes probably closed in prayer for a Dwight Pruhdomme or Ladarius Green miracle....and almost got sure to stop next time!!!

  10. #82


    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    ........Another case of reading something into a post of another......Yes we want the Cox gone and yes I was at meetings to build a just dynamic structure of a fortress building attached to the new press box.....but with the baseball stadiums situation which I don't mind going in the hole over, we now just DON'T have the bucks, but we need a new press box and an athletics building.....he'll we have RCAF across from Fatima and the athletic at LITE, and a crappy press box.....btw I am just relating what Board members have told me ......... But just wondering what your game plan would be for the situation!!!
    My daddy always told me if I was just gonna half-___ something, it's better to not even do it. This would be half-assing to the extreme. This area needs to be beautified ASAP. Build the plaza as planned!

  11. #83

    Default Re: Overall enrollment rises for fourth consecutive year

    I cannot believe T-Joe would want to keep that eyesore current athletics building, especially where it is at. It's clearly in the way of the APC and no longer fits the area. It needs to be torn down. Dr. Maggard, don't go cheap. The stadium also needs more than just a press box update.

  12. #84

    Default Re: Overall enrollment rises for fourth consecutive year

    Quote Originally Posted by ULGrad@HOU View Post
    I cannot believe T-Joe would want to keep that eyesore current athletics building, especially where it is at. It's clearly in the way of the APC and no longer fits the area. It needs to be torn down. Dr. Maggard, don't go cheap. The stadium also needs more than just a press box update.
    Totally agree: demolishing the Cox must be a priority. Even if we don't build the tower or sports plaza for a while, it has to go. It is now an eyesore and bringing down the whole complex.....when we have a fantastic complex.

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