Don't know if you live in the area, but either way if you have not seen Girard in the last few years you really need to. It was completely gutted and renovated in 2014 (I think), and it not only looks great but is also in great shape.
While they were at it they also redid all the landscaping around it: gone are all the pine trees between it and the entry circle, and all the other overgrown trees/shrubs that shrouded it. And not only were a bunch of new sidewalks added, they also put a statue of Dr. Stephens just outside of it. (Which is now decorated for Mardi Gras.)
Here are a few pics of it, but I am also including a link to the campus thread where we chronicled the renovation.
Also, just FYI: Girard Hall, completed in 1923, is the 3rd oldest building on campus. Only Foster/DeClouet are older, and only by ~10 years.