I was waiting and waiting... and no one has called anyone an "azz licker" in that "one post away" warning. Is that disappointing to you?
By the way, does this site have influence... or does it not? If it does, then the subjects discussed need to be debated. If it does not, then why weigh in on C4L's year long promotion?
I contend that it's a worthwhile fan exercise to open up discussions/debates. And I'll add this... if you attack the credibility of the OP... and they call you a name... that's just life. If you are giving good debate arguments... and they call you a name... then they're in the wrong. I've too often read the same posters that don't like ad hominem attacks... turn right around and discredit the poster... not the subject of the post.
You were called no names in the development of this post.