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Thread: Life After SLU

  1. #61

    Default Re: Life After SLU

    To everyone having a cow this weekend....

    Just last season, we beat FCS McNeese team by 8, go on to win 6 with Bowl game.

    How about 1994. We LOSE to FCS Troy by 19. Go on to win 6 with a Conference Championship.

    Other schools?

    2011. Tech LOSES to FCS NWST by 3. Goes on to win 9 with a Bowl game and a victory over ILLINOIS.

    2014. Tech beats FCS Central Arkansas by 6. Goes on to win 8 with a Bowl game and a victory over OLE MISS.

    My personal favorite. 2010. Virginia Tech LOSES to FCS James Madison by 5. Goes on to win 11, an ACC Championship, and play in the Orange Bowl.

    Listen to Sergeant Hulka.

  2. #62

    Default Re: Life After SLU

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunfanatico View Post
    Yeah, and the Northwestern starting qb went out with an injury when the game was still very close in the third. The necksters all agreed that was the turning point. But it's also beside the point.
    7 point game heading into the 4th ..

  3. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by jcstewart View Post
    And they won by 4 touchdowns and have a P5 (Miss St) visiting their place this weekend.
    And they lost to NWestern 3 years ago (?) and still lost just a single game in conference that year.

    Not the end of the world (yet).

  4. #64

    Default Re: Life After SLU

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_lannister View Post
    7 point game heading into the 4th ..
    "Their QB going out was a game changer."

    "Almond had a full-body cramp. That's what they said. His absence in the 3rd qtr with the game tied was a major contributor to our win. "

    "I agree with those pointing out that when Almond had to leave the game, that's when we took over. He was playing a very good game."

    Oh, and then this one:

    "Why do I feel like we just lost?"


  5. #65

    Default Re: Life After SLU

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    To everyone having a cow this weekend....

    Just last season, we beat FCS McNeese team by 8, go on to win 6 with Bowl game.

    How about 1994. We LOSE to FCS Troy by 19. Go on to win 6 with a Conference Championship.

    Other schools?

    2011. Tech LOSES to FCS NWST by 3. Goes on to win 9 with a Bowl game and a victory over ILLINOIS.

    2014. Tech beats FCS Central Arkansas by 6. Goes on to win 8 with a Bowl game and a victory over OLE MISS.

    My personal favorite. 2010. Virginia Tech LOSES to FCS James Madison by 5. Goes on to win 11, an ACC Championship, and play in the Orange Bowl.

    Listen to Sergant Hulka.
    You are absolutely correct. 6 wins is where this program is at right now and this is completely attainable.

  6. #66

    Default Re: Life After SLU

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    You are absolutely correct. 6 wins is where this program is at right now and this is completely attainable.
    We've blown out FCS schools before, and ended up with losing records.

    The point is that the FCS game is a very poor predictor of a season's outcome.

  7. #67

    Default Re: Life After SLU

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    To everyone having a cow this weekend....

    Just last season, we beat FCS McNeese team by 8, go on to win 6 with Bowl game.
    Is mediocrity the goal now?

    How about 1994. We LOSE to FCS Troy by 19. Go on to win 6 with a Conference Championship.
    That staff was fired for mediocrity. After millions in investments, RCAF, Facillities and Salaries we are now beyond that low standard.

    Other schools?

    Irrelevant! Not our Brand!

    2011. Tech LOSES to FCS NWST by 3. Goes on to win 9 with a Bowl game and a victory over ILLINOIS.

    2014. Tech beats FCS Central Arkansas by 6. Goes on to win 8 with a Bowl game and a victory over OLE MISS.

    My personal favorite. 2010. Virginia Tech LOSES to FCS James Madison by 5. Goes on to win 11, an ACC Championship, and play in the Orange Bowl.

    Listen to Sergant Hulka.
    Here is what I will say, we haven't won, or lost anything yet this season other than the first game. The Tulsa game should tell us more about ourselves with athletes returning and not hearing excuses, such as not completely game planning or we are not conditioned yet. Tulsa is not Boise State, nor are they the same Tulsa team as the previous two seasons. If we are not competing well in this game, it will not bold well for this team rest of the season.

    I've talked to enough people since Saturday night to come to the reality that low expectations have set in for a number of fans. They are no longer holding on to the rope, it's become a shoe string. The standard Hud set in his first four years is the benchmark. With the increase request in donation levels, tickets and tailgating lots, the expectation for a better product is much higher.

  8. #68

    Default Re: Life After SLU

    I agree with CajunT...the cost of supporting UL athletics is increasing so the product on the field should increase as well. Not securing a victory at Cajun Field in the closing minutes of a game against Southeastern.

  9. #69

    Default Re: Life After SLU

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Here is what I will say, we haven't won, or lost anything yet this season other than the first game. The Tulsa game should tell us more about ourselves with athletes returning and not hearing excuses, such as not completely game planning or we are not conditioned yet. Tulsa is not Boise State, nor are they the same Tulsa team as the previous two seasons. If we are not competing well in this game, it will not bold well for this team rest of the season.

    I've talked to enough people since Saturday night to come to the reality that low expectations have set in for a number of fans. They are no longer holding on to the rope, it's become a shoe string. The standard Hud set in his first four years is the benchmark. With the increase request in donation levels, tickets and tailgating lots, the expectation for a better product is much higher.
    And while I'm sure he already knows it, it should be made clear to Maggard that the fans expect him to hold the coaches to a higher standard. Yeah, Tulsa on the road should tell us a lot about what to expect this season.

  10. #70

    Default Re: Life After SLU

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunfanatico View Post
    Yeah, and the Northwestern starting qb went out with an injury when the game was still very close in the third. The necksters all agreed that was the turning point. But it's also beside the point.
    I started watching the game yesterday, and had to stop with the start of the 3Q, and the score is tied @24. Northwest doing a great job so far.........loosing the QB at that time will surely kill the momentum in such a tight game. Don't know if I can stomach watching the 4Q knowing that the mutts were able to dodge another huge upset by the Devils.

  11. #71

    Default Re: Life After SLU

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_lannister View Post
    Ziyon hill might get to play sat .. will be interesting to see
    Hud just confirmed in press conference that Hill will play. We'll see how much based on his week of practice but likely easing him in.

  12. #72

    Default Re: Life After SLU

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    ...With the increase request in donation levels, tickets and tailgating lots, the expectation for a better product is much higher.
    You can add to that list the HC salary.

    Our guy pulls in about a cool million.

    SLU guy pulls in a case of Coke and a sack of potatoes.

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