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Thread: Performing up to the talent you have.

  1. #25

    Default Re: Performing up to the talent you have.

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    When Bob wins an NCAA game, or hosts, or is seeded in top twenty come back and have that conversation.

    Are you sure our loss to Rice didn't equal our loss to ole miss. That wasn't chopped liver in Houston. So Robe had two near CWS and a 3rd place finish at CWS while Marlin stumbles in and is promptly evicted not the same at all.
    Didn't mention Ole Miss/2014 team bc they won conference championship.

  2. #26

    Default Re: Performing up to the talent you have.

    Baseball 2000 and basketball 2014 in definitely NOT a fair comparison. No, Robe didn't win the conference, but it was a top 7 or 8 conference, not a barely top 20 conference. And Robe doesn't pad his schedule with games against teams with RPI numbers that look like really good bowling scores.

  3. #27

    Default Re: Performing up to the talent you have.

    Quote Originally Posted by duggie85 View Post
    I'm with you. In my opinion, if he doesn't win conference this year or win in the NCAA, he needs to go.

    Just trying to be fair. He's the only coach in our program that people discredit his actual 1 goood accomplishment bc he didn't win the regular season. As mentioned earlier, our 2 best baseball teams in UL history didn't even win the conference, but that's never brought up to discredit them.
    Because programs, along with coaching credentials and even legacies are built with years of consistency. That same year where we got "hot" to make the dance was also a year for which we underperformed ALL year compared to expectations.

  4. #28

    Default Re: Performing up to the talent you have.

    I thought last year was one of marlins better coaching jobs. I wonder if scrimmaging against the high quality transfers we had on the team last year had anything to do with it. If you are really a fan of UL basketball ( and are not over invested in your dislike of Marlin) you should be excited about this team. On paper it should be very good. I define very good as 22+ regular season wins and a top 2 conference regular season finish and a tourney final appearance.
    I excited to see how the year plays out!

  5. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by HOUCajun View Post
    I thought last year was one of marlins better coaching jobs. I wonder if scrimmaging against the high quality transfers we had on the team last year had anything to do with it. If you are really a fan of UL basketball ( and are not over invested in your dislike of Marlin) you should be excited about this team. On paper it should be very good. I define very good as 22+ regular season wins and a top 2 conference regular season finish and a tourney final appearance.
    I excited to see how the year plays out!
    What has Marlin done for people to dislike him? Nothing I remember, I think most people disapproval of Marlin is strictly results oriented and nothing else. As a person he has been great. A little excuse heavy for my preference but don't dislike him. It's just time for him to do something, lets see if he can take paper good and turn into court good. He has never had a whole team this talented...on paper.

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