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Thread: UL taking time to get it right with Cajuns mascot

  1. #145

    Default Re: UL taking time to get it right with Cajuns mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    Am I correct in assuming you would have preferred we renamed the university "Acadiana University" or "University of Acadiana" to reflect our culture and history and a clearer identity? That was discussed ad nauseam on here and was certainly a viable alternative for Dr. Authement. But, that ship has sailed. LOUISIANA is now our identity and it is working. Our brand will only expand.

    There will be no more confusion between Louisiana and Louisiana State (LSU) than there is between. In fact, look at Texas State who more recently changed its name from Southwest Texas State. Certainly, there has never been confusion with Texas or Texas A&M or Texas Tech.

    Florida - Florida State
    Georgia - Georgia State
    Michigan - Michigan State
    Texas - Texas State
    New Mexico - New Mexico State
    Arizona - Arizona State
    Ohio - Ohio State
    Oklahoma - Oklahoma State
    Oregon - Oregon State
    That's where he showed his P&G colors--the "confusion" argument was made by LSU Chancellor Wharton when we LEGITIMATELY became University of Louisiana in 1984!!

  2. #146


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    I've never,ever had a single person confused about LSU, and Louisiana. LSU goes by that name exclusively. I rarely hear LSU alumni referring to themselves as Louisiana State.

    Had you said Louisiana Monroe, or Tech you might have a little traction.
    Happens often with people from out of state, local casual fans (often ladies but many times men not that into sports), kids - most often when there is an overlap in games or common opponent. When asking if someone heard a score or result, they'll provide the wrong info
    or in a bar put on the wrong game. Even if you by some miracle have been spared this I don't believe that everyone on here is to dishonest to acknowledge it occurring. I will concede with time it may diminish but it won't go away all together.

  3. #147


    Quote Originally Posted by barisaxman View Post
    That's where he showed his P&G colors--the "confusion" argument was made by LSU Chancellor Wharton when we LEGITIMATELY became University of Louisiana in 1984!!
    Where you are mistaken is I avow we have every right to call ourselves University of Louisiana and I fervently oppose any politician who has favored LSU. I just have never shared the same fervor for a name change and am not now on board with all the Louisiana "branding".

  4. Default Re: UL taking time to get it right with Cajuns mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by Penrod View Post
    1. I never proposed Lafayette College as a name, so direct your reply to your brethren who have.
    2. Said Leopard branding mishap would have never happened to a certain University formerlly known as USL
    3. I know none of you want to hear this or will acknowledge the truth of it but I will say it anyway. You can lie on here but you will know you're lying because it has certainly happened to some of you. In travelling or in interaction with someone from out of state or even in associating locally with someone less astute in collegiate sport, Louisiana will appear on screen as our moniker with game scores and people will mistakenly assume LSU has won and I will have to correct them that UL has won. In saying this I do not believe anyone should dictate what we call ourselves and would avail myself to vote against anyone who has supported such favoritism and tyranny but I also don't believe this branding hoopla is the panacea you believe it to be. We end up helping the other guys inadvertently more than helping ourselves. I believe the farther we stray from the unique identity of our heritage and homeland the more we stand to lose. Our University should continue to boundlessly expand as a haven of diversity, a champion of science and art, I love this community in large part because I love our University. Every time you see someone of magnificent stature and poise walk confidently past chest out chin up in UL gear with a hotwheels pepper flaming and a discrete at Lafayette you can wonder awestruck , "Was that the man they call Penrod?"
    McNeese used to benefit from "Southwestern" confusion so USL was no better than Louisiana in that regard.

  5. Default Re: UL taking time to get it right with Cajuns mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by Penrod View Post
    Happens often with people from out of state...
    People from out of State associate Louisiana with Cajuns, Cajun food, Alligators, New Orleans and Mardi Gras.

    ... In no particular order.

  6. Default Re: UL taking time to get it right with Cajuns mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by Penrod View Post
    Happens often with people from out of state, local casual fans (often ladies but many times men not that into sports), kids - most often when there is an overlap in games or common opponent. When asking if someone heard a score or result, they'll provide the wrong info
    or in a bar put on the wrong game. Even if you by some miracle have been spared this I don't believe that everyone on here is to dishonest to acknowledge it occurring. I will concede with time it may diminish but it won't go away all together.
    Kids and women misidentify LSU with "Louisiana"? You don't say...
    The "Yay! Sports" crowd misidentify most things involving athletics. So that's your defense for your assbackward name stance?

    This excuse is 100% BS.

    No one with even a slight bit of involvement with NCAA athletics confuses LSU for UL, Louisiana or the Cajuns.

  7. #151


    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    McNeese used to benefit from "Southwestern" confusion so USL was no better than Louisiana in that regard.
    I don't ever recall a Cowboy logo going up on screen for us when a USL game was broadcast. (and yes I too saw the Leopard more than once, I'm certainly not a conspiracy guy but I suspected some of the incidences were intentional "accidental" slights) I'm content for us to disagree. In all seriousness a red, black or white Lacoste polo on gameday wouldn't be a bad look for you. ( Technically I think it's a crocodile logo but an alligator is crocodilian) You could show your support for our University, the mascot you know in your heart is ours, and your support of "Branding" and conspicuous consumerism. (Just kidding about that last bit) Hope your wife or kids hook you up. I'm excited and optimistic about our new offense and expect out defense to be as good or better than the end of last year. Hope to see all these hornets I've stirred up at the game. Geaux Cajuns!

  8. Default Re: UL taking time to get it right with Cajuns mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by Penrod View Post
    I don't ever recall a Cowboy logo going up on screen for us when a USL game was broadcast. (and yes I too saw the Leopard more than once, I'm certainly not a conspiracy guy but I suspected some of the incidences were intentional "accidental" slights) I'm content for us to disagree. In all seriousness a red, black or white Lacoste polo on gameday wouldn't be a bad look for you. ( Technically I think it's a crocodile logo but an alligator is crocodilian) You could show your support for our University, the mascot you know in your heart is ours, and your support of "Branding" and conspicuous consumerism. (Just kidding about that last bit) Hope your wife or kids hook you up. I'm excited and optimistic about our new offense and expect out defense to be as good or better than the end of last year. Hope to see all these hornets I've stirred up at the game. Geaux Cajuns!
    Proximity confusion not branding.

    Southwestern and southwestern most.

  9. #153


    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Proximity confusion not branding.

    Southwestern and southwestern most.
    You raise an excellent point. Speaking of proximity confusion, if you fully get your way the average Joe might not know where in Louisiana we're located. Could ultimately lead to brand confusion particularly among doting Grandmothers.

  10. #154

    Default Re: UL taking time to get it right with Cajuns mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by Penrod View Post
    Cajuns are most unique to Acadiana the home of our University in beautiful Lafayette.
    I know a bunch of people in Lafourche and Terrebonne Parishes that would have something to say about that

  11. Default Re: UL taking time to get it right with Cajuns mascot

    Lafayette is a wonderful city, a friendly city, a unique city, but isn't a beautiful city large, or small. It simply isn't a beautiful city, and the traffic is crazy bad.

  12. #156


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Lafayette is a wonderful city, a friendly city, a unique city, but isn't a beautiful city large, or small. It simply isn't a beautiful city, and the traffic is crazy bad.
    Maybe I should have left it at the trees around campus are beautiful.

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