Ok. We're gonna argue politics now? How about we solve abortion, obamacare, and the designated hitter while we're at it?
Guys, relax. The SLU game is a few weeks away. It's time to get focused for tailgating.
This should help...
I did. Evergreen is a joke. That admin... and all that resemble them... need to be removed from colleges and universities. I can only hope that more and more video evidence of the depraved state of admin/faculty/student governance is supplied to the public. We need to cut funds and ostracize these institutions. If this is what they call "producing the future leaders of society" we have obviously turned a blind eye to the derelicts that infiltrated our education systems. I'm very very cautious in approaching them with my pliers and blow torch. I wouldn't want to interfere with their creative thinking. But I'll out intellectualize the best of them during surgery. If that college (and I'm sure they're just the peak of a giant pile of intellectual excrement) is what we call post modern think laboratories... we have seriously messed up. We allowed head rot to invade and take control of higher education. They ran out of material from the 60s to be radical. And instead of being enlightened by fierce debate, they've embraced only like minds for so long... they're devolving into lower life forms... herding young vulnerable minds into similarly confused and spiteful degenerates.
One thing Rogan brings up a bunch is the "echo chamber" effect schools like this enforce. The only thing these kids here is ideals they 100% agree with. It's nothing different to the other side of the spectrum. Monthly I have to hear my mom tell me about something on Facebook she read that is so far out in left field it's scary. I see this being a problem on both sides of the aisles...the only reason it's scarier is because the kids spewing that garbage are going to grow up believing it, while most of the conservative echo chamber will die in a decade or so.
I love to argue with people, I know that's shocking to people here. You can't debate with people who are like the Evergreen students. They will shutdown, disrupt, or even become violent. At least the conservative example of the Evergreen students are mostly geriatrics...and all you need to worry about with them is if they own a gun, or if you get stuck in one of their diatribes that last you the better half of an afternoon.
True about Evergreen and the Evergreen-like institutions. I understand where you're coming from that most people, regardless of where their base ideology falls, have a huge propensity to seek out and dine on the content they enjoy. But I don't find solid thinking people, regardless of certain core ideological holdings, to be on only one side or the other. I don't fit into an easily defined political position. I am a massive debater. But to have a good challenging debate, you cannot immediately alienate the opposition. I try very hard to help them think, requesting they do me the same favor. It is increasingly more difficult to find people that have opposing views that can withstand critical analysis of their points of view. It is much easier to group around like minded people and evisorate all that dare to view things differently.
I don't agree that the antithetical to the Evergreen-like admin/faculty/student is the geriatric generation. Quite unfortunately, the more prevalent one antithetical group becomes, the more you are guaranteed to seed a severe opposition. We are not in a unique human event. We are in a cycle only unique to the settings and constructs of the times.
It's essentially similar to Obama is a Muslim...but with actual consequences. It's frightening. Indoctrinated young adults with lots of energy, time, and money (from somewhere) is a huge problem. Indoctrinated AARP members is tolerable. They can't protest or kidnap anyone...because the Early Bird Special is more important.
I use geriatrics very tongue in cheek...but I think everyone understands what I'm saying. Tend to be older, more secure financially, more responsibilities, more life experience, etc. Every reaction has an equal or opposite reaction. Yin and a Yang. It's never exact, but for the most part it's accurate.
This thread has evolved more than your typical RP thread....and that's saying something.
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