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Thread: Football Season: Reasons to be negative.

  1. #121


    Quote Originally Posted by angeleast View Post
    Cajun T street cred is significant.. Trust me on this. enough that Hudd will do anything to silence his TRUTH at all cost. T has more respect around Reinhardt Drive than Hud does. Makes the Hud supporters nervous... As well as Hudd.
    Hark has a closet full of HUD shirts...not for wearing though.

  2. #122

    Default Re: Football Season: Reasons to be negative.

    Welcome back Hawk... Your vengeance is ragging like an ole dude stoked on Viagra.. Most appreciated .

  3. #123


    Quote Originally Posted by angeleast View Post
    Welcome back Hawk... Your vengeance is ragging like an ole dude stoked on .. Most appreciated .
    My ____ fit meter has been on full for a while.

  4. #124

    Default Re: Football Season: Reasons to be negative.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hark Mudspeth View Post
    Actually he looks petty by trying to grind whatever axe it is..,when he had a vested interest..,hud is a great more personal interest, hud can't recruit. I'm pretty sure hud has always been hud...his situation changed, his results changed and people's perception of him changed. I'd argue his biggest problem is he won't change. People bought it when he got here, they just aren't buying it anymore. I see the same guy. We have a new OC,new QB coach, new RB coach, New WR coach, new DE coach, new QB, New RB's, New LB's...nobody knows what this team will be.
    In the interest of full disclosure, I was a Mark Hudspeth fan and like a number of supporters today I'm not. There are a hand full of major supporters that I know that no longer support him for the same reasons, I guess they are all petty. I'm also a Mike Lotief and Tony Robichaux fan, because of the type of men they are in this community, does that make me any less of a fan than you? I've supported all three financially and given my personal time as well. My fandom has never been in questioned here or anywhere else for that matter, so perhaps you should stick to subject matter you understand instead of projecting my reasons for not supporting Hud now. I'm a grown man, I don't need your approval to change my opinion on someone that I've dealt with personally for over 6 years.

    As a Cajun Fan, I will still buy my football season tickets and renew my RCAF membership. For someone that is just a Cajun Fan and not a Hudspeth fan, you certainly are defending him vigorously in this thread.

    My personal interest didn't have anything to do with my change of opinion concerning Hudspeth, as CajunHawk stated I expressed concerns with his actions and decisions as a head coach for several years before I ended my relationship with the website and radio program.

    I guess a number of us just aren't that bright compared to you. And after reading this thread and several private messages, clearly I'm not the only one that read your post the same way rejecting past performances as predicator to future projections.And for the last time, of course no one knows for freaking certain how a season will finish. This is a fan board, so people are going to have their own opinions how they think this season with eventually end. They are just willing to expand upon their opinions slightly more than saying ".nobody knows what this team will be."

  5. #125

    Default Re: Football Season: Reasons to be negative.

    Well spoken T and most of Ragin pagin agrees with you. There are still a few who are butt hurt at the Farmer issue and the Hud do or die issue thats unfolding.. We are all Cajun fans but to close your eyes to obvious issues makes you an Ole Miss fan prior to 2 hours ago.

  6. #126


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    In the interest of full disclosure, I was a Mark Hudspeth fan and like a number of supporters today I'm not. There are a hand full of major supporters that I know that no longer support him for the same reasons, I guess they are all petty. I'm also a Mike Lotief and Tony Robichaux fan, because of the type of men they are in this community, does that make me any less of a fan than you? I've supported all three financially and given my personal time as well. My fandom has never been in questioned here or anywhere else for that matter, so perhaps you should stick to subject matter you understand instead of projecting my reasons for not supporting Hud now. I'm a grown man, I don't need your approval to change my opinion on someone that I've dealt with personally for over 6 years.

    As a Cajun Fan, I will still buy my football season tickets and renew my RCAF membership. For someone that is just a Cajun Fan and not a Hudspeth fan, you certainly are defending him vigorously in this thread.

    My personal interest didn't have anything to do with my change of opinion concerning Hudspeth, as CajunHawk stated I expressed concerns with his actions and decisions as a head coach for several years before I ended my relationship with the website and radio program.

    I guess a number of us just aren't that bright compared to you. And after reading this thread and several private messages, clearly I'm not the only one that read your post the same way rejecting past performances as predicator to future projections.And for the last time, of course no one knows for freaking certain how a season will finish. This is a fan board, so people are going to have their own opinions how they think this season with eventually end. They are just willing to expand upon their opinions slightly more than saying ".nobody knows what this team will be."
    And here's your victim card,you interjected yiirsejf into a conversation and you misunderstood me then when I explained it to you tried to be a smart ___ about me being insulted, and me having all faith in hud and sorry if that hurt my feelings if you didn't blah blah blah. I don't care how many little sheep PM'd you like people agreeing with you is of some actual value to me. You are condescending on here like you are the only one who "knows" anything around here and when people call you on it, on cue you play innocent or play the victim. You say people have different opinions but anyone who disagrees with you is wrong so that's pretty one sided. You made it personal way before I did. If my comment was so obvious it sure took you long enough to understand it. If my comments are too "simple" for you then don't respond or put me on ignore. Again, you always have the choice to keep your mouth shut...or don't, doesn't bother me either way. When the ___ starts flying I'm never the one who gets "my feelings hurt" want to have a conversation I'm good with that, want to sling insults I'm good with that. Want to talk ___, good with that to. I react to the way people approach me, it's a message board that is entertainment. How am I'm anyway defending hud vigorously? Only a person blinded by some personal vendetta would see that. I hope the man succeeds because I pay a lot of money to go to games and I rather is not suck, I feel like that makes me a cajun fan not a hud fan. you on the other hand appear that you would rather see him fail just satisfy whatever grudge it is you have against him. Sorry if I'm trying to have some optimism going into a season, we are currently undefeated and probably won't be for long...plenty of time to be miserable like yourself.

  7. #127


    Quote Originally Posted by angeleast View Post
    Well spoken T and most of Ragin pagin agrees with you. There are still a few who are ____ hurt at the Farmer issue and the Hud do or die issue thats unfolding.. We are all Cajun fans but to close your eyes to obvious issues makes you an Ole Miss fan prior to 2 hours ago.
    You took a poll?

  8. #128

    Default Re: Football Season: Reasons to be negative.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hark Mudspeth View Post
    And here's your victim card,you interjected yiirsejf into a conversation and you misunderstood me then when I explained it to you tried to be a smart ___ about me being insulted, and me having all faith in hud and sorry if that hurt my feelings if you didn't blah blah blah. I don't care how many little sheep PM'd you like people agreeing with you is of some actual value to me. You are condescending on here like you are the only one who "knows" anything around here and when people call you on it, on cue you play innocent or play the victim. You say people have different opinions but anyone who disagrees with you is wrong so that's pretty one sided. You made it personal way before I did. If my comment was so obvious it sure took you long enough to understand it. If my comments are too "simple" for you then don't respond or put me on ignore. Again, you always have the choice to keep your mouth shut...or don't, doesn't bother me either way. When the ___ starts flying I'm never the one who gets "my feelings hurt" want to have a conversation I'm good with that, want to sling insults I'm good with that. Want to talk ___, good with that to. I react to the way people approach me, it's a message board that is entertainment. How am I'm anyway defending hud vigorously? Only a person blinded by some personal vendetta would see that. I hope the man succeeds because I pay a lot of money to go to games and I rather is not suck, I feel like that makes me a cajun fan not a hud fan. you on the other hand appear that you would rather see him fail just satisfy whatever grudge it is you have against him. Sorry if I'm trying to have some optimism going into a season, we are currently undefeated and probably won't be for long...plenty of time to be miserable like yourself.
    Who hurt you?

  9. #129

    Default Re: Football Season: Reasons to be negative.

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    In the interest of full disclosure, I was a Mark Hudspeth fan and like a number of supporters today I'm not. There are a hand full of major supporters that I know that no longer support him for the same reasons, I guess they are all petty. I'm also a Mike Lotief and Tony Robichaux fan, because of the type of men they are in this community, does that make me any less of a fan than you? I've supported all three financially and given my personal time as well. My fandom has never been in questioned here or anywhere else for that matter, so perhaps you should stick to subject matter you understand instead of projecting my reasons for not supporting Hud now. I'm a grown man, I don't need your approval to change my opinion on someone that I've dealt with personally for over 6 years.

    As a Cajun Fan, I will still buy my football season tickets and renew my RCAF membership. For someone that is just a Cajun Fan and not a Hudspeth fan, you certainly are defending him vigorously in this thread.

    My personal interest didn't have anything to do with my change of opinion concerning Hudspeth, as CajunHawk stated I expressed concerns with his actions and decisions as a head coach for several years before I ended my relationship with the website and radio program.

    I guess a number of us just aren't that bright compared to you. And after reading this thread and several private messages, clearly I'm not the only one that read your post the same way rejecting past performances as predicator to future projections.And for the last time, of course no one knows for freaking certain how a season will finish. This is a fan board, so people are going to have their own opinions how they think this season with eventually end. They are just willing to expand upon their opinions slightly more than saying ".nobody knows what this team will be."
    Amen brother

  10. #130

    Default Re: Football Season: Reasons to be negative.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hark Mudspeth View Post
    And here's your victim card,you interjected yiirsejf into a conversation and you misunderstood me then when I explained it to you tried to be a smart ___ about me being insulted, and me having all faith in hud and sorry if that hurt my feelings if you didn't blah blah blah. I don't care how many little sheep PM'd you like people agreeing with you is of some actual value to me. You are condescending on here like you are the only one who "knows" anything around here and when people call you on it, on cue you play innocent or play the victim. You say people have different opinions but anyone who disagrees with you is wrong so that's pretty one sided. You made it personal way before I did. If my comment was so obvious it sure took you long enough to understand it. If my comments are too "simple" for you then don't respond or put me on ignore. Again, you always have the choice to keep your mouth shut...or don't, doesn't bother me either way. When the ___ starts flying I'm never the one who gets "my feelings hurt" want to have a conversation I'm good with that, want to sling insults I'm good with that. Want to talk ___, good with that to. I react to the way people approach me, it's a message board that is entertainment. How am I'm anyway defending hud vigorously? Only a person blinded by some personal vendetta would see that. I hope the man succeeds because I pay a lot of money to go to games and I rather is not suck, I feel like that makes me a cajun fan not a hud fan. you on the other hand appear that you would rather see him fail just satisfy whatever grudge it is you have against him. Sorry if I'm trying to have some optimism going into a season, we are currently undefeated and probably won't be for long...plenty of time to be miserable like yourself.
    It's one thing to be insulted and another to be attacked personally, so who is playing the victim card now? I've said everything needed to be said in my previous post, you went low and I responded. By all means, go enjoy your fandom and be positive. I haven't faulted you for that, just telling people they shouldn't use past performance in their outlook for this season when it conflicts with your positive predictions.

  11. #131


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    It's one thing to be insulted and another to be attacked personally, so who is playing the victim card now? I've said everything needed to be said in my previous post, you went low and I responded. By all means, go enjoy your fandom and be positive. I haven't faulted you for that, just telling people they shouldn't use past performance in their outlook for this season when it conflicts with your positive predictions.
    Never made a positive prediction, the opposite actually. Not playing the victim at all but anyone who disagrees with you is a hud lover and defender. You have decided to not support hud and anyone who still does is an idiot. That's what you call an axe to grind. If HUD's succeeds with all the players that you said aren't very good then he will have once again made you lol like an idiot who doesn't know what he is talking about. If hud succeeds you lose more credibility...if he fails you pound your chest, I told y'all so.

  12. #132

    Default Re: Football Season: Reasons to be negative.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hark Mudspeth View Post
    Never made a positive prediction, the opposite actually. Not playing the victim at all but anyone who disagrees with you is a hud lover and defender. You have decided to not support hud and anyone who still does is an idiot. That's what you call an axe to grind. If HUD's succeeds with all the players that you said aren't very good then he will have once again made you lol like an idiot who doesn't know what he is talking about. If hud succeeds you lose more credibility...if he fails you pound your chest, I told y'all so.

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