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Thread: A Friday Game: UL vs Oklahoma State on ESPN2

  1. #25

    Default Re: UL vs Oklahoma State to be on ESPN2, Friday

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiredof theBS View Post
    _ dperrin,

    I'm sorry if I was harsh after your post. It just really hit me in a strange way. I go to the games for several sports. I go just because I love UL. I have been a huge Cajun fan since the 70's. I'm just tired of being told that "People should...".

    I "go" because I love my school. I "give" because I want our school and the teams that represent it to be better than they currently are. I'm just tired of what is going on with several of our teams right now. WE deserve better. THEY owe it to us. If THEY don't start to produce a better product those of us who have been frustrated die hards for 30+ years will all start to sound as frustrated as I did in my earlier post.

    Again, I apologize to you if my post sounded disrespectful. I just think that if enough of us cry loud enough often enough eventually the administration will hear us and make a bigger effort to give us a better product. _
    Now I wish I would have seen this post before I made my harsh post! And I completely understand your frustration, because you seem to feel alot like my older brother does about the whole situation. He too is ready to walk away, and he has already told me that he's getting a big box to pack every single cajuns item he has and ship it to the AD!I understand that sometimes we need to vent our frustrations to the admin because the sad reality is that there aren't enough of us lighting the fire under the chairs of Savoie, Walker, and sometimes Farmer. But we also need to step back from the ledge and realize that this is a great opportunity. We as fans do need to make a great showing beacause a.) we're on tv b.) our players feed off the crowd c.) it means more revenue and the list goes on and on. Maybe its because I'm only 19 and haven't been around long enough but I'm a tad more optimistic than a few others.

  2. #26

    Default Re: UL vs Oklahoma State to be on ESPN2, Friday

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiredof theBS View Post
    _ Special promotion = First game of the season against an in state school.

    Next year the game in question is on a Friday night after 4-5 games. The Kansas State game was the second game of the season and we had 16000+ at the game. Being that the game next season is on a Friday night several weeks into the season, and those that do not want to give a lot of effort can stay home and watch it on TV, we will need a special promotion to get 16,000 into the stadium.

    I hate to be negative, but UL currently has no idea how to market this game. _

    Sorry, I just got done beating my head against that brick wall. If you feel that this university needs to creatively "promote" this game then you should just hang up your fan shoes right now. You are funny man. Talk about some people in their lives must just live miserably. Let me state this...Again, you have Oklahoma State coming in regardless of the night to our own turf on ESPN 2 with the chance to knock off a major BCS school on national T.V. and our biggest competition that night will be High School football and we need a special promotion? My point earlier was to the effect that if people who are supposedly cajun fans will actually have to consider which they choose to go to, then in my mind, they have no right to complain about anything UL athletics again. If it takes a promotion to attract cajun fans to the game over a H.S. game that evening, they may not be cajun fans.

    Now, does "marketing" this game hurt? Obviously not. However, marketing is often an ambiguous term and to me, if you're talking about promotion of your team and a particular event, this should start weeks ahead of not only the game but the season. Marketing is typically more effective over a longer period of time IMO. It just makes me laugh when you talk about the administration having to market huge games because I don't see where a big, grand event needs the promotion that a smaller lesser known event needs. The biggest factor that will lead us to a sellout crowd will be that we don't have to compete with LSU or any other collegiate event on that evening and its a Friday night versus any other day of the midweek.

  3. Default Re: UL vs Oklahoma State to be on ESPN2, Friday

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    _ Sorry, I just got done beating my head against that brick wall. If you feel that this university needs to creatively "promote" this game then you should just hang up your fan shoes right now. _
    I was told students will not be on campus the week of the Oklahoma State game. It is break.

    Geaux Cajuns

  4. #28


    Hey you can count this student on being there! And I hope many others will be too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    I was told students will not be on campus the week of the Oklahoma State game. It is break.

  5. #29

    Default Re: UL vs Oklahoma State to be on ESPN2, Friday

    Quote Originally Posted by dperrin View Post
    _ Hey you can count this student on being there! And I hope many others will be too. _
    gunna on the 35 yard line like always!!!!

  6. #30

    Default Re: UL vs Oklahoma State to be on ESPN2, Friday

    I seem to remember (but I could be wrong since Ive slept since then) a Friday night game a few years ago.

    We offered free admission to anyone with a HS ticket stub, because HS football fans could get to UL for the second half of the game if they wanted to do both.

    They can do it again this time if they wish, since this game will be an 8:10 kickoff.

  7. #31

    Default Re: UL vs Oklahoma State to be on ESPN2, Friday

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    _ I seem to remember (but I could be wrong since Ive slept since then) a Friday night game a few years ago.

    We offered free admission to anyone with a HS ticket stub, because HS football fans could get to UL for the second half of the game if they wanted to do both.

    They can do it again this time if they wish, since this game will be an 8:10 kickoff. _
    Now that is thinking in a manner that will put fannys in the seats!

  8. #32

    Default Re: UL vs Oklahoma State to be on ESPN2, Friday

    Can someone post next years schedule? Is it finalized yet?

  9. #33

    Default Re: UL vs Oklahoma State to be on ESPN2, Friday

    My God.... I can't believe there's a stage of this magnitude, and the first objection is high school football. WUT? Maybe I'm missing something, but the only time I went to a HS football game was when I was, you know, in high school.

    If we have to fight for attendance with local high school football games, we should just UNO ourselves already.

  10. Default Re: UL vs Oklahoma State to be on ESPN2, Friday

    Quote Originally Posted by Damon View Post
    _ My God.... I can't believe there's a stage of this magnitude, and the first objection is high school football. WUT? Maybe I'm missing something, but the only time I went to a HS football game was when I was, you know, in high school.

    If we have to fight for attendance with local high school football games, we should just UNO ourselves already. _
    I understand, get, and pretty much agree with your post but there was a reason the NFL originally picked Sundays -and before that- colleges picked Saturdays, because high schools already used Fridays.

    You don't market head to head against anything you don't have to.


    Geaux Cajuns

  11. #35

    Default Re: UL vs Oklahoma State to be on ESPN2, Friday

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    _ I understand, get, and pretty much agree with your post but there was a reason the NFL originally picked Sundays -and before that- colleges picked Saturdays, because high schools already used Fridays.

    You don't market head to head against anything you don't have to.

    jmo _

    But, this isn't EVERY Friday head to head. It is one Friday early in the season vs. a BCS team on national tv. That is a valid exception. This game should fill the stadium, no excuses.

  12. #36

    Default Re: A Friday Game: UL vs Oklahoma State on ESPN2

    Weather. Weather. Weather. This will decide the outcome of our attendance. I know I will more than likely take that friday off to tailgate all day for this game. But if the weather is even questionable, this game will be sparesly populated. This is a team we can beat. They will not be a top ranked team next year, they have lost too much talent to the draft. But all that wont matter if there is more than a 50% chance of rain that day, not even at game time. Lets hope for some great weather like the Southern game.

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