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Thread: Wally Pontiff Classic vs LSU Preview | The Grind

  1. #229

    Default Re: Wally Pontiff Classic vs LSU Preview | The Grind

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    You have NO CLUE what you're talking about.
    When you get a baserunner on with 0 outs, you score more than 50%, according to the announcer (even though he was a terrible announcer at that). We did that how many times tonight and couldn't get the guy home. Had runners and scoring position and couldn't get them home. Antchak gets a 1 out triple and we get 2 BAD strikeouts.We were 0-8 with 2 outs at the plate

  2. #230

    Default Re: Wally Pontiff Classic vs LSU Preview | The Grind

    Our 2-hole hitter is slugging .282; he has 2 extra base hits all year long
    Tyler Stover is an every day player who's hitting .210.
    Handsome Monica was supposed to be a big bat in the middle of the lineup, he's slugging .297

    As a matter of fact, we only have 3 guys who are batting over .300 for the year and one of them (Lott) doesn't play every day and 1 guy slugging over .500 and he's our leadoff hitter.

    I don't care how well you pitch, if you hit like _______ then you're not going to win.

  3. #231

    Default Re: Wally Pontiff Classic vs LSU Preview | The Grind

    I'm so confused with our hitters. Waaaaaaaay too much talent to continue to under perform the way we have

  4. #232

    Default Re: Wally Pontiff Classic vs LSU Preview | The Grind

    Quote Originally Posted by axg8750 View Post
    The runners who were at 3rd with 1 out in the 7th and 8th were the most frustrating. All season Talbot forced his hitters to bunt in questionable situations and then in a 1 run game in 7th and 8th inning he doesn't even attempt a bunt with runner on 3rd base?!? Man oh man...
    I was watching at home pulling my hair out over this you took the words right out of my mouth

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Rougarou View Post
    Correct. Deggs is also a strict disciplinarian. Talbot is laid back. Same system, different implementers. The man seems more significant than the system from what I gathered.
    As are most coaching positions. The guys just responded to Deggs and they DONT respond to JT. I've been told by multiple people around the club that we have candy azz players worried about insignificant ____. Mix that with a guy trying to figure it out himself and you have what we see on a nightly basis with this offense.

    I don't need them to get on the radio and tell me what I see. It's obvious. It's plain and damn simple. We have guys that are ok with losing and we have a hitting coach that is guessing out there. No need to criticize me as a fan of the team. I'm not quitting, I'm not bashing. I'm calling it like I see it.

    It's freaking crunch time. It's time to sit the babies and play the grinders. IDGAF how old they are, what their stats are, what their experience is.. play the guys that hate to lose. Stick Jack Burk on the weekend rotation and yank talbot's azz out of the 3rd base box. It's time.

  6. #234

    Default Re: Wally Pontiff Classic vs LSU Preview | The Grind

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    As are most coaching positions. The guys just responded to Deggs and they DONT respond to JT. I've been told by multiple people around the club that we have candy azz players worried about insignificant ____. Mix that with a guy trying to figure it out himself and you have what we see on a nightly basis with this offense. This!!!!
    I don't need them to get on the radio and tell me what I see. It's obvious. It's plain and damn simple. We have guys that are ok with losing and we have a hitting coach that is guessing out there. No need to criticize me as a fan of the team. I'm not quitting, I'm not bashing. I'm calling it like I see it.

    It's freaking crunch time. It's time to sit the babies and play the grinders. IDGAF how old they are, what their stats are, what their experience is.. play the guys that hate to lose. Stick Jack Burk on the weekend rotation and yank talbot's azz out of the 3rd base box. It's time.

  7. #235

    Default Re: Wally Pontiff Classic vs LSU Preview | The Grind

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    As are most coaching positions. The guys just responded to Deggs and they DONT respond to JT. I've been told by multiple people around the club that we have candy azz players worried about insignificant ____. Mix that with a guy trying to figure it out himself and you have what we see on a nightly basis with this offense.

    I don't need them to get on the radio and tell me what I see. It's obvious. It's plain and damn simple. We have guys that are ok with losing and we have a hitting coach that is guessing out there. No need to criticize me as a fan of the team. I'm not quitting, I'm not bashing. I'm calling it like I see it.

    It's freaking crunch time. It's time to sit the babies and play the grinders. IDGAF how old they are, what their stats are, what their experience is.. play the guys that hate to lose. Stick Jack Burk on the weekend rotation and yank talbot's azz out of the 3rd base box. It's time.
    I have no criticisms for you. I agree. I have heard similar things.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Rougarou View Post
    I have no criticisms for you. I agree. I have heard similar things.
    Btw, I am not yelling at you.. I am just yelling..

    This is excruciating to watch.

  9. #237

    Default Re: Wally Pontiff Classic vs LSU Preview | The Grind

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Btw, I am not yelling at you.. I am just yelling..

    This is excruciating to watch.
    Lol I know. I feel like you are my inner monologue tonight

  10. #238

    Default Re: Wally Pontiff Classic vs LSU Preview | The Grind

    Idk if there are grinders on this club.... Offensively at least.

  11. #239

    Default Re: Wally Pontiff Classic vs LSU Preview | The Grind

    Quote Originally Posted by lifetimecajun View Post
    Idk if there are grinders on this club.... Offensively at least.
    No DH for Gunner on Thursday

  12. #240

    Default Re: Wally Pontiff Classic vs LSU Preview | The Grind

    People aren't going to continue to pay more and more money for season tickets every year if the quality doesn't get better. The good pitching, bad hitting, make the postseason every few years or so ____ was fine, but since my ticket prices have doubled and will be even more expensive next year, I expect more from the program.

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