Boomer... do you know who is often "very much in the know"? The people that are very much "in the employ". And their opinion has to be taken for such. The customer makes every person "in the employ" their _____. I'm the _____ of a lot of customers. I'm brilliant. But I'm a _____. It doesn't bother me in the least to both be brilliant... and to be the _____. I'm the king as long as I know I'm the _____. There is no one greater in this world than the brilliant who know that they are the customer's _____.
You can read an ___ load... and I hope you catch up with me. You are not brilliant until you know you are the _____ of the customer. And if you don't know it... or don't like it... get the F out of the way. I'm looking for other brilliant _____es... and everyone one else can such their vapor trail.