It's sad really..
It's sad really..
No one on here... including you... had anything to do with Scott being "fired". He wasn't fired. He was reassigned. People that get fired from a company, are no longer with that company. Whether or not you participated in calling Scott Farmer names or not... is your cross to bear. I actually disagree that people viewed "getting him canned" as a euphoric event. It was the hope of getting someone that would be more assertive and aggressive toward the building of Cajuns athletics that was "euphoric". Now... if Dr. Maggard... to you... is just replacing one bar of soap for another... then I can buy into your philosophy. But I strongly think otherwise.
The world we live in... when it's done correctly... should look to intelligently "reassign people". You may not agree... and I can deal with that. But if you choose to debate me on that... I'll destroy you (debate-wise) and walk away better for the challenge. You come across on here as a very intelligent person. Being that the case... I hope you choose to risk your convictions and expose them to a vast array of opposing views... all day and all night... for 1000 days and nights... with the intent of listening, learning and recalibrating... as opposed to gathering with like-minded people... and blathering endlessly in blissful ignorance. I've done the former all of my life... not to strike my blade against a blunt edge to entertain myself.. but to sharpen that edge each and every single strike. It takes extreme skill to strike a blade at the perfect angle... every single time. And it takes massive observation of 10,000 strikes to know exactly what the stone provides the blade.
I apologize if I'm misreading you. But this accusation of "lynch mobs" is pure silliness. Every single AD and coach that gets "reassigned" provides opportunity for another. And I find almost none of the "reassigned" having not earned the reassignment. Debate me if you choose. But know this... my edge is very very sharp Mr. Stone.
I think Metry was being facetious when he insinuated posts placed here got Scott Farmer fired or "reassigned". I have spoken to him and we both agree that the posts here had little to do with the decision. I believe the recommendation by Mike Alden to consider the reassignment was the key factor in the change.
Mike, let's keep it real. You defend metry on most things.. regardless of "perception", the baseball stadium debacle and its revelations contributed (if not drove home) the "reassignment" of Scott Farmer. Is RP solely to blame (or credit)? I don't think so. But without the things said here, the media catching wind, the constant public pressure and the several fans that tracked all the FOIA requests (also born here), we might still be having Farmer CB Friday's and TJoe standing with his palms raised and shoulders shrugged.
I think MAT proved my point beautifully. This site did not get Farmer reassigned. Farmer got Farmer reassigned. If this site did not exist the exact same outcome would have occurred. The pressure on Farmer was applied by his boss and large/influential donors.
What I prove, constantly and beautifully, is that you will do anything to keep this board and it's importance to relevant happenings at UL from having any real credibility whatsoever. You bring your passive aggressive, wanna-be-condescending attitude and constantly rail against anyone that ask questions or has a slightly less glowing opinion of the admin than you do. Of all people, you can't tell me this board has not started small fires that ended up in change, in one capacity or another. Sadly for you, others have recognized this as well. No one said RP got Farmer fired. The info and discussions that came to light here absolutely contributed to those things happening.
I do think this site influences newcomers perception of our university. And I would say it's presents a negative first impression. There is nothing wrong with criticism and in the case of Farmer and HUD it is warranted. Just know, you can post HUD is a POS a thousand times. It will not get him fired. His W-L record and the way he handles himself will. His bosses and few guys who bankroll his salary are watching, so we are in good hands.
Please don't take this as passive aggressive. I will say this a bluntly as possible. You feel you are effecting change. I feel you are not. It is that simple. If everyone on this site quits posting the university president still has all the info on what happens and makes the same decision. No why, because he did not do the job TJoe asked him to carry out.
Same with HUD. He wins without scandal, he stays. He loses or disgraces the university he goes. This site will not even have a small bearing on that outcome. Fans redirecting their dollars will
Would love to continue this, but I got a busy weekend ahead. Geaux Cajuns.
Mike, I have a much broader view of how things actually work in this world. The connection between opinions and information expressed on this site, with regards to athletics, is directly correlated to outcomes at this university. The only thing I'll agree with is that no one at the university, or any other university, would or should ever admit that the expressions of fans are driving their decisions. I would even go so far as to say it is their place to deny they react to fans. But in reality, they behave in direct correlation to what fans say, and what fans do. Every... single... time.
To believe T-Joe was acting alone in selecting Alden to review our athletics program... is pure stupidity. He was under immense pressure by people that ARE in the know of some on this site. And he REACTED. He is not a juggernaut of proactive athletics. The last things T-Joe wants to do is "reassign" people. He did so out of necessity. And that necessity was generated by the fan base. Pure and simple.
Now... how does this site reflect the entire fan base? Pretty close to being the ONLY raw data collector at their disposal. The company I'm with conducted an employee survey (administered by a professional employee surveying group). The information collection was designed to be as anonymous as possible. And the results were absolutely dead on with everything that needs to be addressed in our company. Why was it so accurate? Because we had two components a) the passionate employee's participation and b) their anonymity. This site is the best raw data marketing system this university could hope to have for free. To acknowledge it would be foolish. It would destroy the integrity of the information... and it would fuel a "use your own brain... not the collective brains of the fans". But in reality... every single athletic outcome is not just summed up very accurately on this site... it's predicted.
So... if you don't think this site has a great deal to do with the outcomes of athletics... by virtue of being a very pure communication center for RC fan sentiment... you simply do not have a strong handle on what drives consumer markets.
What some on here want to deny is that a couple of very outspoken participants sometimes dominate the narrative. And others just do not want those individuals to dominate. That is taken care of by the anonymity of this site. It self washes. But to deny this is a cauldron of thought that is 100% relevant to the consumer market of RC athletics... is nonsense. At the very minimum it almost perfectly reflects the market. But in reality... it drives it. This site will forever be in perfect alignment to the tickets purchased, RCAF membership numbers, and consumption of RC athletics. Deny or not.
Once again, perfectly said.
The timing of this discussion couldn't be any more appropriate. I have a meeting today at lunch based almost exclusively off of discussions and comments made on this very board.
Like I said, of all people, I'm the wrong one to tell that this board doesn't matter.
In general, a message board exists for people to express opinions or ideas. This message board does exactly just that. The opinions and ideas that fans bring to the table here don't always reflect those of our administration; but they carry weight (like J1M said) as a "survey" of the direction people think the program is heading. At the end of the day, most people here are DONORS and SEASON TICKET HOLDERS. These people are pretty much the CUSTOMERS.
Now, does this site have a huge say on the hiring/firing process within the UL administration? I would say most likely not. But there's no doubt in my mind that this site gives the average viewer a "feel" of where fans stand on any particular issue. Take the baseball stadium debacle last year. When news spread of what was going on, people lurking around here were reading the threads and were furious. Well from there, the trickle down effect from the fan base pretty much explains itself.
This is a message board. Fans have the right to express their opinions if they will. Again, they're the CUSTOMER.
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