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Thread: What's with all the dirt

  1. #1

    Ragin' Cajuns What's with all the dirt

    I drove by Cajun Field yesterday and saw them bringing in piles and piles of dirt. Is it for the new track?

  2. #2


    They are plowing up the grass parking area at Cajun Field and putting in crushed limestone.

  3. #3


    Originally posted by CDeb
    They are plowing up the grass parking area at Cajun Field and putting in crushed limestone.
    At first I did not like this but looking back to the UNT game last year, it would have been nice not to have to trug out to the oak in the mud. I wish they would plant some hedges all around the outer fence, not so much for privacy but for looks.

  4. Default

    Here is what I think is happening; (I have no quotes or proof)

    When the currently paved part was originally paved the top was scraped and the extra dirt was placed in the area in question.

    Think about how well this area drained last year, with no shells just dirt it sustained parking throughout a rain plagued season. Now if at some point in the future this was to be paved it would be way to high for the current pavement and could cause water traps. It would be especially troublesome if shells/rocks were added on top of what was already there because scraping would be much more labor intensive in the future.

    So I think it is wise to level the parking field now prior to adding shells/rocks. Blacktop can now be added in the future with ease. Also they are doing a first class job of leveling the parking lot, it should drain great.

    You know how malls have knobby floors in the halls to get you in the stores? Well this could have the same effect on chronic tailgaters. Besides by next season the season that requires 15,000 some grass will have grown over a bit and we won’t know the difference.

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  5. Default

    There is a grassy buffer zone between the entrance to Cajun Basin on the Bertrand side and the soon to be covered parking lot.

    This area can be used as Coach Bass is using it for (below), or for Javelin throwing practice or any number of endeavors which require no rocks.

    Coach Bass practicing chip shots in the area between the parking lot and the track facility.

  6. #6


    Originally posted by CDeb
    They are plowing up the grass parking area at Cajun Field and putting in crushed limestone.
    I hope it's the small limestone or kids will be throwing rocks.

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