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Thread: Attendance vs Tech

  1. #37

    Default Re: Attendance vs Tech

    Quote Originally Posted by Grantvb View Post
    I'd like to propose 5,345 in attendance. 12 from Rustonia...
    IDK: lord knows when they have had something good to eat, plus they can stop at the walmart to get some supplies.

    No, I predict they will be lots of jalopies loaded up to make the trek down to heaven. I mean, if you had the choice of spending another night in S.Arky -vs- a night here, which would you choose???

  2. #38

    Default Re: Attendance vs Tech

    Quote Originally Posted by SMD7636 View Post
    5,750 attendance
    The 5752, provided that these T guys are willing to buy a ticket.
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  3. #39

    Default Re: Attendance vs Tech

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCajunsFan View Post
    We had to add a late comer to our group, but no seats left near us. Now he can't go, so one free ticket to a good home: 122, row 10, seat 7. First PM, first served.
    ticket went to a good home.

    Also, a friend went to TM to buy some more, and he said it looked pretty sold out....the only real empty area is the student section, which are not for sale anyway.

    Which brings up a good question: anyone know what the capacity is for just section 100? At what point will they start releasing the higher level?

  4. #40

    Default Re: Attendance vs Tech

    These are the seats available as of 5pm.

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  5. #41

    Default Re: Attendance vs Tech

    Yes, more than he let on. But the lower part of the southern end is the student section, right? So those aren't for sale, correct?

  6. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post

    These fools up in Rustonia are taking a swing at our basketball court. This is like when they called our new state-of-the-art APC a "prison," when ironically; they built an end zone facility 50% of our size and quality.

    For a school that plays in a basketball arena that looks like it came out of the 1970s as well as a two-sided football stadium that accurately resembles McNeese's; I would say pot meet kettle.
    Lol! You Cajuns are hilarious, please never change! So if Dawgs lose tomorrow can we take after HUD & blame it on the distraction of your gawd awful court? This has to be the worst trend in college basketball. I thought Oregon's was bad...Just burn it with fire!!!

  7. #43

    Default Re: Attendance vs Tech

    May have three ticket available in section 126. Will know in the morning. If they are available I will post on this thread. Give name and will leave them at will call.

  8. #44

    Default Re: Attendance vs Tech

    Please don't feed the mutt trolls

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  9. UL Basketball Re: Attendance vs Tech

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueDawg View Post
    Lol! You Cajuns are hilarious, please never change! So if Dawgs lose tomorrow can we take after HUD & blame it on the distraction of your gawd awful court? This has to be the worst trend in college basketball. I thought Oregon's was bad...Just burn it with fire!!!
    All I can recall of the Thomas Arena in my original virgin visit there. First I was stunned at how small, and institutional it was, then once inside how old it felt, while only being a few years old. Gotta tell you would not have remembered it at all except the women outdrew the men, and this was after the women were just good, not great.

    I'm looking for a great effort from LTUR no doubt your team is at least the second best we've faced so far, but again your season warmups wins have been pretty much like ours, bad. You've lost ever decent game you played.

    Finally the swamp scene? Gotta agree with it isn't jumping off the court as a swamp to a casual onlooker, but once it does it's pretty awesome, and it isn't actually for others, it is for us.

  10. #46

    Default Re: Attendance vs Tech

    It may be a swamp, but it's OUR Swamp, Dawg.

  11. #47

    Default Re: Attendance vs Tech

    Hell yeah. Finally a mutt shows up to talk smack. You can try to cr@p on us like ya did with the temp. Buildings and the APC. But what do the "dawgs" bring? Nothing. If y'all could afford a court it would be a picture of a outhouse and a meth lab.

  12. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by BlueDawg View Post
    Lol! You Cajuns are hilarious, please never change! So if Dawgs lose tomorrow can we take after HUD & blame it on the distraction of your gawd awful court? This has to be the worst trend in college basketball. I thought Oregon's was bad...Just burn it with fire!!!
    LOL Stop with your foolishness!!! I'm just calling out the irony of the Dawg faithful when NONE of your facilities are nothing to brag about. NONE, NADA, ZILCH, ZERO.....

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